9 years later

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14yr old Ezra Syndulla was sent to the imperial academy on Lothal under the name of Dev Morgan so he can steal imperial information . After passing a few tests his place is secure so now he begins his undercover work.  A week later "Dev" meets a boy called Jai Kell and soon both strike up a friendship at some point during the day many of the recruits of the academy gang up on "dev" and jai leading to both being hung by their imperial regulated tighty whities on their bunk making both teens blush.

kanan was worried as he could sense Ezra's pain, discomfort and embarrassment through the force but hes more worried as ezra is trying to block him out. hera reminds kanan that chopper is also working undercover as ezras handler and so far chopper has reported that all is going as planned and the empire doesnt know that they have 2 spies in their academy.  

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