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Rosemary woke to crashes and yelps coming from the kitchen. She fluffed out her feathers and glided down to the table. A pile of xol was lying on a leaf for her. Thanks, Clover.

"Rosemary! What did I say about flying in the house?" A gruff voice called from the kitchen.

Rosemary sighed. "Sorry, Father." Not even a "Hello" or "I missed you."

She quickly downed her xol, not wanting to be late for school. Xol was her favorite type of fish. It came fresh from Myrak Pond and was sold at every food stand in the market.

After Rosemary finished her breakfast, Clover came over and nudged her goodbye.

"Clove," she protested. "I'm not four moons old!"

"I know, but I still love you."

Rosemary groaned and leaped into the air. Her school was only three levels higher in the Sipoiary Tree. The tree was a massive oak that housed the entire population of Kryliva, plus Quekinory and the palace.

Sipoiary was rumored to be thousands of cycles old, but Rosemary couldn't understand how something could live so long. She had learned about tortoises that could live up to two hundred cycles, but that was the longest life span of anything she knew of.

Biology was Rosemary's favorite class, and the only one she was looking forward to. Hunting and gathering were all right, but Professor Fern drove her insane. Reading and Writing were helpful, but Chrysanthemum was in it. And History was a nightmare of lectures.

The school was a massive platform resting in the upper branches of Sipoiary. It was woven out of large sticks and sealed with mud. The platform was divided into sections for each class. The canopy above provided natural shelter.

Rosemary's first class was Reading/Writing with Aloe. Aloe was kind enough, and she had exceptional story advice.

Rosemary hurried to get to her section and weaved through the crowds of other yearlings. She bumped into a large and scary-looking boy.

"Watch it, will you?" He yelled, storming off.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to!" She called, but the older yearling had disappeared into the crowd.

Rosemary fluffed out her feathers before heading off again.

By the time she got to her section, everyone had already gotten into their spots, and Aloe had started role-call.

"Chrysanthemum?" She called out.

"Here!" Chirped a melodic voice from the front row of students.

"Rosemary?" Aloe called, scanning the room.

"I'm here!" Rosemary said, her breath heaving.

Snickers arose from around the area, and Rosemary tried to ignore them.

"Alright, settle down everyone. Rosemary, please find your spot so we may begin."

Rosemary obliged and walked over to her spot between Lavender and Maple. Her day was already off to a not-so-great start.

Myrak(ME-rack): The primary source of fish in Kryliva. It's a large pond home to many different species of fish and water insects.

Quekinory (KWEH-kih-nory): Directly translates to 'Hall of Queens'. Basically a museum; it holds statues and information about all of Kryliva's queens.

Sipoiary (Sih-POY-ary): The largest tree in Érthe. Its canopy is 4 miles wide. It's home to all of Kryliva and its infrastructure.

Xol (ZOLE(like sole but with a 'z')): Rosemary's favorite fish. It has a round head, silver body, dark underbelly, and purple stripes on its back.

Cycle- 1 year or 365 suns. Counted from the start of The Awakening(spring) to the end of High Moon(winter)

Nudge- Equivalent of a kiss or hug between family members or close friends

Yearlings- A year-old crow. They can fly but usually, still stay with the family.

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