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Rosemary jumped, flapping her wings. 'I know you want to,' What?

"You want to visit Loskinak, I mean," an older yearling said. Her dark red feathers gleamed in the sunlight.

Rosemary was speechless. How did she know?

"Um, uh, yeah, I guess. How-"

"I saw you staring. I'm Rhododendron, by the way," she said with a smile. "They, them." Rosemary scolded herself for assuming. It had been a long time since anyone had wanted to talk to her.

"Rosemary," she burst out, "I-I mean, I'm Rosemary. She, her."

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Rhododendron said with a giggle.

Rosemary smiled. "I do want to visit The Ruins."

"Well, why haven't you?" Rhododendron tilted their head.

"It's forbidden. I thought everyone knew that."

"Oh, I didn't. I'm not from Kryliva."

"But everywhere is Kryliva. How are you from somewhere else?" At that, Rhododendron burst out laughing. What's so funny?"

"'Everywhere is Kryliva!' What are they teaching you? Rosemary, sweety, there are six other kingdoms besides Kryliva," they said, trying to contain their laughter, "I can teach you sometime. Only if you want to, of course."

Questions flooded Rosemary's mind. Professor Pine was lying to us? This whole time? Did he even know he was lying? She had no idea whether it was just Professor Pine or the whole history curriculum. If there are six other kingdoms, then is the Krylivian Revolution a lie, too?

"I would appreciate that, thank you." She was still trying to wrap her mind around the latest information.

"I could also take you to The Ruins. No one watches them. We could fly there and back right now, and no one would bat an eye." Rosemary thought about that. It was true; the lake was completely unguarded.

Her heart sank, weighing the options. She could either leave her loving sister for her lifelong dream, or she could stay in Sipoiary with crows who despised her and the burden of questions unanswered.

Rosemary knew the choice she had to make, even if she hated it.

"I-I can't," Rosemary looked down, "I can't leave my sister. She'll be worried sick." Without another word, she spread her wings and jumped into the air.

Even though Rosemary didn't look back, she could feel Rhododendron's gaze linger on her.

Although Rosemary's house wasn't extremely far away, her questions and doubts drew the minutes out. It felt like hours had passed.

Will I ever see Rhododendron again? Rhododendron had been the first person in a long time to be kind to Rosemary. She hoped she would. How did Kryliva really come to be? Should I have gone with Rhododendron to Loskinak?

Luckily the sun hadn't started setting yet, and Rosemary was able to get home in time. However, Clover wasn't there to greet her like normal.

"Clover? Hello?" Rosemary stepped into the house and scanned the room for any signs of her older sister.

Her gaze landed on a small leaf tucked into the wall. Inscribed in what was obviously Clover's talonwriting were two words: I'm sorry. Rosemary's eyes widened. Clover was never cryptic. She always got to the point and said what she needed to.

"Mommy, Daddy?" Rosemary's voice came out small and squeaky.

"Rosemary? That you?" Her mother came forward and enveloped her in a hug. Rosemary was surprised; her mother hadn't hugged her like that in moons.

"Mom, where's Clover?"

"Oh, honey. Clover was found dead at the Sunè base of Sipoiary."

Sunè (SOON-uh): South or southern

Talonwriting- Handwriting but for birds

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