I am lonely, probably - 6

620 13 28

Hello!! Welcome back :DDDDD

TW: swearing, ritual shit, regrowing wings, blood, pain.. Maybe that's all

Ok ok, so... I'm on my period now, sorry if there is a spelling error

And and and, it will be... Slow update cuz school stuff attacking my brain that slowly kill me- But anyway! I am totally fine >:D

Sorry not sorry

Have fun!


"WHAT!?" They both screamed

'Oh here we go again'

Tommy gulped "Y-yeah... "

They both look each other before turn back to Tommy

"Tommy... Who caused this?"

Tommy's face dropped

"Tommy? Is everything ok bro?" Confused, slowly Tommy's vision got blurry

Hello Tommy :)

"N-no worries! Haha hmm... It's j-just t-the place where I come from!" Tommy's eyes teary, sobbing

"Tommy if you don't wanna to talk about it's fine! Please don't cry" she tapped his shoulder as her support

"Yeah, we will not gonna leave you"

Tommy just cried more than before

"Shuushhhh it's okay" she petting his head while Agung just chuckled with it

He swapped his face with his hands "Stop i-it- t-this is em-embarrassing"

"Nope, you need therapy" she suggested

"Now come on, you need to replace your bandages" she added back



Tommy always having a nightmare every single night, and it was a problem the them. Because they doesn't know about his past. Yes it was hard but, they keep trying to help him. Tommy sleep on the couch for a while until they have money to buy a house together

After a month, he was used to living there. The new place was batter than the old one, where most of the people are kind. He got welcomed well by society!

Warman help him with his physical health, Tommy usually call him Aca, because he said it was easier to say

Agung with his mentality- Of course he does, Tommy even had his own therapist!

And their sister Ami, or Amisha. She teach him how to be part of a family which was taken from him

He also work on a bakery, to help his friends to pay rent, remember they live in boarding house.

Sometime Tommy spend his free time to go to library, or he goes to the old temple, where he meet someone that can teach him how to fight and surviving. A few people go to the temple too, so he isn't alone for learning in the temple- the temple owned by an old man, His eyes are white, his hair and skin, the old man is blind, but he said that he can see through energy and sounds. Tommy didn't understand what is that mean but he just get along with it

He explained to others that he's an Avian, not very rare but hard to get them. Rumor said that they came from the sky. As soon he tell it, the old man from the temple, or he called him his master; teach him how to regrow the wings. He just got shocked that he don't believe it at first, but he just going to try that. He misses the weight of his wings. So he say yes then "fuck it i am gonna get my wings back"

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