the center forward (M) yuta x reader

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pairing: yuta (nct) + you (reader)

you: after the anonymous messages, you can feel yourself getting paranoid. you find yourself giving second glances to those you once considered friends. ironically, everyone on campus is eyeing you now that they know what you did, courtesy of neonet. you need a distraction. you also need to give neonet a reason to contact you again. you need yuta.

him: yuta has a reputation on campus. he's easy. given that he's already signed a lucrative contract for a major team when he graduates, you would think yuta was the most popular guy in school. instead, he's the outcast. girls love the bragging rights of having him, but then avoid him in the hallways after. yuta thinks that you, on the other hand, might be different.

warnings: mild language; some slut shaming; mentions of smoking and drinking; explicit sexual content

a/n: this is part two of my smashing the six series; check my masterlist for other parts; happy reading!

It went without saying that you preferred to go through life relatively unnoticed.

For an investigative reporter that published as many big stories as you did it was a hard balance to manage, but you had managed thus far with dedication. And maybe a little denial.

So the attention you got on Monday morning was not ideal. And quite frankly, pissed you the fuck off.

Many of your classmates smirked at the death glares you sent their way, delighted by the daggers you stared into their faces because they knew what you had done. The little nosy girl who was always too good or too busy to get down in the dirt like the rest of them finally got plowed at a party and then - the satisfying cherry on top - neonet made sure everyone knew about it.

Which was by design.

All eyes were on you now. Well, for the moment anyway. It was only a matter of time before someone had a juicier story to offer. That was always how it went when someone got aired out on neonet.

Only to date, it had never been you.

Jeno, on the other hand, was treated like he'd bagged the rarest kind of animal on a hunt.

You exchanged smiles with him as you passed each other in the hallways and all was friendly between you. Since that night, you and Jeno had texted here and there, but he was suddenly busy with his newfound popularity and you were laying low.

But most importantly, you had an article to write. You couldn't let yourself be bothered or distracted by all the whispers and dirty looks.

"Please, tell me it's true," Winter exclaimed, clinging to your arm with both hands.

You were practically sprinting, making a beeline to class. You'd been avoiding your best friend since that night. The aforementioned laying low involved you locking yourself in your dorm and ignoring your phone. Quite the image you made hunched under a blanket in bed with your laptop balanced on your legs.

But as your fingers hovered over the keys, the words hadn't come. Because you had more questions than answers.

Rolling your eyes, you drawled, "Does neonet lie?"

Winter bounced a little. She would chew you out for ignoring her calls and texts later, but for now, she pressed, "How was it? Tell me everything."

"Penis in a vagina, bestie. It went how you would expect."

"You are no fun. Like, at all."

You hesitated. Part of you desperately wanted to tell her - someone - about the anonymous messages from neonet. It had to be an admin of neonet that texted you. There was no other explanation that made sense.

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