the tight end (M) jaehyun x reader

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pairing: jaehyun (nct) + you (reader)

you: for the past two years, you have managed to avoid your ex, the boy who broke your heart. but in order to move on, you need to heal those old wounds. you need to talk to him about what went wrong in your relationship. it's time you started mending bridges instead of burning them.

him: when jaehyun broke up with you, he still wanted to be friends, but since then, he has accepted you want absolutely nothing to do with him. so when you approach him out of the blue, wanting to clear the air, jaehyun is ready to admit he's missed having you in his life.

warnings: mild language; explicit sexual content

a/n: this is part five of my smashing the six series; check my masterlist for other parts; happy reading!

You were sixteen when you fell in love.

Even now, years later, you remembered like it was yesterday. The moment your eyes met. The way your heart skipped a beat.

It was the Friday night football game. You were new to town and new to the high school. You didn't know anyone, but a few of the girls had deemed you pretty enough to welcome into their clique.

Normally, you had no interest in sports, but you desperately wanted to fit in which was how you ended up on those uncomfortable bleachers, surrounded by shouting onlookers, watching a football game that seemed to go on forever.

Finally, the clock ran out of time. Your new school had won. Pretending to be thrilled, you stood and cheered with everyone else.

And that was when you saw him. He was the tight end, not that you had any idea of what that position meant in the scope of football, but apparently he was important to the game because the other players hoisted him up to celebrate that he had scored the winning run.

Jeong Jaehyun.

Your eyes met from across the way. Never in a million years would you have thought he could pick you out from the crowd, but fate had her way and he did.

After the game, the girls brought you down the bleachers with them to flirt with the boys, as supposedly was custom. You rolled your eyes. Until Jaehyun marched right over to you, introduced himself politely and asked for your name.

The rest, as they say, was history.

Bitter fucking history.

Looking back on that time always made a familiar void that you'd come to live with ache inside your chest. What a happy, naive girl you had been. Stupid was often the first word that came to mind.

Jaehyun swept you off your feet and made you fall in love with him at the speed of light. Like you were his to love and his only. And you were content with that. The first time he kissed you - your first kiss - you thought you could fly. The feelings were overwhelming for someone who had never felt them before. You were convinced that love was what made life worth living.

You were busted more than once making out with your boyfriend beneath the bleachers or behind the gym. Every boy at school knew to keep their distance, because you belonged to Jaehyun. He was your date to ring dance, to homecoming, to prom. Hell, the senior class voted you two as most likely to get married out of high school.

And Jaehyun would just smile like he was the luckiest guy alive.

You used to hold his hand as he walked you to class and think, I made it. I have officially succeeded at life. You had a boy that loved you, you loved him, and that was all there was to it. You were planning the wedding, trying to decide how many babies you wanted to have, and decorating a house in the suburbs all in your mind.

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