the middle blocker (M) johnny x reader

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pairing: johnny (nct) + you (reader)

you: overnight you have become the scorn of your peers. you can't sleep and you sure as hell can't write. you can feel the promotion slipping through your fingers. then a helping hand comes from where you least expect it followed by another anonymous text, which steers you in the direction of johnny suh, the most coveted boy on campus.

him: johnny thought he found the person he would spend the rest of his life with. then she dumped him. rather than working through his feelings, johnny keeps on a happy face for everyone to see, because to him, injured pride is much worse than a broken heart. then, he meets you and in helping you move on, johnny realizes maybe he can too.

warnings: mild language; marijuana use; mentions of cyber bullying and slut shaming; explicit sexual content

a/n: this is part three of my smashing the six series; check my masterlist for other parts; happy reading!

You decided to avoid Mark rather than give him the chance to avoid you.

In the days that followed your hookup with Yuta becoming common knowledge around campus, neonet was absolutely brutal. You almost deleted the app from your phone.


Unfortunately you couldn't bring yourself to do it. There was too much pull, too much sway over you. You were the bloodhound on a scent. All you needed was a tiny crumb, the smallest clue, but the leads had gone cold.

You descended into madness at an alarming rate. While sleeping with Jeno had provided amusement to the campus at your expense, having sex with Yuta upped the ante. Dirty looks and sarcastic taunts escalated to downright disgust and cruelty.

Neither of which you were prepared for.

Whore. Every post about you had that word in it.

At first, you fought tears to the brink of exhaustion. I'm better than this, you would tell yourself. Your peers were vicious. You knew all along they were capable of that, you had seen it firsthand, but you had never been on the receiving end.

You made too many enemies and not enough allies in your climb toward the editor's chair and that ratio had come back to bite you in the ass. The wolves had been salivating at a chance to cut you down for good measure, but mostly out of spite.

The vast majority of your classmates gave a round of applause to karma for doing her job.

After a week of the torment, you thought maybe things would start to cool down. Then, you came home to the dorms and found slut written in red ink on your door.

That was when the dam broke. You wept until your eyes couldn't possible make any more tears. And then and there, you decided you would never leave your room again. With a steady internet connection, it's not like you had to.

You sent off an email to Doyoung, letting him know you would be writing and submitting all of your articles remotely until further notice, but your blood ran cold the moment you hit send.

It dawned on you - you didn't have any other articles prepared. For the first time in your career at the NCTU newspaper, your pride and joy, you had nothing to publish.

"I fucked up," you groaned, running your hands through your messy hair.

This damned story of smashing the six and trying to taunt neonet into exposing even the slightest hint of a trail for you to follow had blown up spectacularly in your face.

First, no anonymous texts came after your hookup with Yuta. You overplayed your hand. If anything would have earned you a passive aggressive text, a romp in the shower should have. But nothing came.

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