Chapter 11

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Juliana's P.O.V


Chiron told me there was nothing to do but wait. I was walking back to my cabin when I heard snickering and I saw the Stoll brothers. I examined my cabin and deciding it was safe, walked inside. My mistake was exactly that. Something was triggered when I opened the door and something that looked like a dodgeball hit me in the stomach and I gasped for breath. I heard loud laughter and I spun around, my eye twitching. I clenched my fists and punched them each in the gut, pretty hard. They groaned and fell to the ground. I stalked over to the Hephaestus cabin to find the door looking like it had recently been shut. "Was he in on this?" I muttered and opened the door, slamming it against the wall. No one was there but Leo and he was panting. "LEO!" I screamed and he jumped. "You should have seen your face." He gasped. I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder playfully.


Leo's P.O.V


That prank wasn't the best one. I realized this because Juliana had cooled down quickly. She was smiling now and her green eyes were sparkling. Her face still looked different with all the makeup and I frowned. I smiled goofily to cover it up and I offered my arm. "Training my friend?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face. "No." She said and started to walk out the door but I could see her bite her lip before she walked away. Then she laughed and I ran after her. I could see Nico watching us and I blinked it away. That kid is creepy! She was walking over and she pulled a sword from the rack, since she didn't have one yet. I made a mental note to make her one. Maybe like Percy's. Suddenly I was on the ground with a sword pointed at my throat. She was smiling down at me. "Gotcha!!" She said happily and offered her hand to help me up. I took it and felt sparks. Is that normal? I thought but shook it off. I stood up and we stabbed at each other and was surprised when she knocked my sword from my hands. I gaped at her. "Stop being better than me." I fake pouted while she smiled. She poked my chest. "Stop daydreaming and we can talk." She turned away playfully and spun her sword around. I crept up behind her, knowing she hated it. I was about to place my hands on her shoulders when she spun around and caught me. She smirked and put her mouth near my ear. "Good try." She whispered. I could feel her warm breath on my ear and I felt tingles down my back. She walked towards her cabin, flinging the sword on the ground behind her.


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