Chapter 19

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Juliana's P.O.V


I let nico drag me down the dirt tunnel. I didnt say anything about him still holding my hand, and didnt care to. It was a strange feeling... of... comfort somehow..

"The entrance.. is gone.." I mutter.

"Its the labyrinth." Nico sighs. He suddenly stops at fork in the path, which gives me a chance to get next to him so he wasn't completely dragging me.

"Let's go left." I say. He looks down at me.

"Why?" He furrows his eyebrows. I just shrug with a smile. He decides to go right and starts dragging me that way.

"Hey!" I shout at him.


Nico's P.O.V


Seeing her frustrated, it was cute. I just now noticed that were still holding hands, but i was too embarrassed.. to let go..? She was pouting as we walked. I sigh. For some reason, she made me feel different.. different than the others do. I felt compelled to talk to her.

"What school did you go to." I ask, trying to make small talk, and to also get her to stop pouting.

"Lynbrook Highschool." She sighs.

"Wait.. How old are you?" I ask, genuinely curious now, i looked down at her.

"15, you?" She looks up at me. I mentally sighed in relief, thank god...

"16." I state, blandly, looking forward again.

"You know.." She starts. "When i first met you, i though you were cold, and mean."

"... and..?" I mutter.

"Your still cold, just not as mean as i thought." She smiled. I furrowed my eyebrows and grunted. As we walked, we got to know each other more, and strangely the labyrinth seemed to be patient as i got to know her.

"You know, your not so bad di angelo." She sighs.

"....thanks..?" I question.

"You're really bad at this whole.. making friends thing you know." She mutters. For some reason my heart pained slightly.

Am i dying?


Juliana's P.O.V


He so awkward. I huff. He was actually a pretty nice guy though, despite his short answers and cold attitude. It's been a minute since we've been in the labyrinth.. shouldn't.. something happen by now..?

A crash was heard behind us. Our hands dropped and we turned around.


I think i just jinx'd it..

haha.. oops?

"Run!" Nico shouts, grabbing my hand and running.

Characters ages have been changed slightly <3

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