Chapter 14

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Juliana's P.O.V


I woke up the next morning with a weird feeling in my gut. I shook it off and got ready for the day, putting on a camp shirt and some blue jeans. I walked out of the cabin with percy, we made small talk until we reached the pavilion. I was about to sit down when chiron came running- or galloping i guess you could say- up to us.

"Juliana." He said, slightly out of breath. I looked at percy, confused, then back at chiron.

"Yes?" I ask, turning to face him. He takes a deep breath.

"You know what a prophecy is, yes?" He asks.

"Uhm... I've heard of it before.." I reply, still confused.

"I need you to come with me, you to percy. Meet me at the big house, you two." He sighs, turning around and starting to go to another table. I turned to percy only to see him, shocked, maybe even scared.

"Whats going on..?" I asked him, my voice barely above a whisper. He shakes his head and grabs my wrist, heading to the big house.

"Chiron will explain.." He says, his voice sounding serious, and shaky. This scared me. What could be so bad that PERCY would be scared. I shook my head and let him drag me. Once we arrived, it didnt take too long until chiron showed up, Leo, Nico, Piper, Annabeth, and Jason behind him. I was so confused.

"Alright.." He sighed again. "As most of you probably figured out, theres been a new prophecy." Everyone looked so shocked. I raise me hand.

"What is it, Juliana?" Chiron asks.

"Umm.... could you explain prophecy more...?" I nervously ask. This time, Nico sighs, he looks me dead in the eyes.

"A prophecy tells future events, only in pieces, its mostly told by an oracle, and its basically a quests we have to do." He briefly explains. "And its never a good thing." He mutters. I nod my head and turn back to chiron.

"The prophecy has requested the seven again, nico, and... Juliana." Chiron explains, putting his hands on the desk in front of him.

"The seven?" Leo asks, surprised. "Why the seven..?" He mutters, thinking to himself.

"Yes." Chiron nods. "Nico, i expect you to go get hazel and frank by tomorrow."

"So soon?" Nico's eyes widen.

"Based on what the prophecy said... its not good.." Chiron mutters.

"What was the prophecy..?" Percy asks. Chiron picks up a piece of paper and places it in front of us.

"I wrote down what i heard." He says.

'You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze

Death's son, the seven, and the daughter of the sea shall go

You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand

A child of the sea's final stand,

Destroy with a hero's final breath,

And lose a love to worse than death'

"This.. prophecy.. we've heard it before.." Annabeth says, picking up the paper.

"Wasn't that.." Piper starts.

"Yeah..." Jason nods, surprised. Everyone's eyes were wide, except mine and chiron.

"You nine shall start as soon as possible, we can't afford to wait, i expect you to leave tomorrow." Chiron says, sternly.

"I'll go get hazel and frank.." Nico mutters, taking the paper from annabeth and walking out the door.

"You're all dismissed." Chiron excuses us. I follow the others out the door, almost everyone walking away, leaving me, percy, and leo left standing.

"Im confused..." I start. "What's the seven..? and what did annabeth mean by you've heard this before?" I ask, looking at percy. He looked uncomfortable.

"I've got this." Leo says. Percy nods with a small smile and walks away.

"Cmon i'll explain." Leo takes my hand and drags me with him.


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