Chapter 21

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Juliana's P.O.V


Leo came running around the corner, laughing with jason right behind him. I sigh and dropped my defense position, sliding down against the wall to the floor again. Nico sighed as well, putting away his sword and sitting down next to me again.

"Guys!" Jason noticed us first, despite coming after leo. "There you are! Thank gods!" Leo turned around and followed jason running up to us.

"Holy cow, what happened to you?" Percy asks, looking at my arms, also coming up to us.

"Chimera found us." Nico answers. I nod my head.

"Did you guys find anything?" I ask, tiredly sighing. Annabeth sighs as well.

"We ran into some weird spiders, nothing exciting." Percy says.

"How long do you guys need to rest for?" Hazel asks.

"I'm okay.. I don't need to rest." I look over at nico.

"I'm not hurt. Y/n you should." He stands up, brushing off his pants. I stand up as well, grabbing my bag and swinging it over my shoulder, biting my lip from the pain.

"Let's get going then, I already ate ambrosia, I'll be fine." I say. Leo looks at me concerned.

"You can really rest, y/n." Leo comes over to me.

"We shouldn't waste anymore time, let's go." I start walking. After a few sighs they start to follow me. I didn't know where I was going, but it'll lead somewhere, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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