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TW: Boy body parts hinted at.


   Anna felt a chill run up and down her spine and she shivered. She knew that these creatures had likely seen at least a few interactions between herself and Kelly, but to have it known so plainly and out in the open was...unsettling.
"How does this Connection work any how?" Anna asked as she opened the pantry and found food prepared by Singer, lukewarm and ready to be eaten. There were seven small bowls on three trays. She grabbed one and the two aliens very carefully grabbed the other, sniffing at the liquid mush in the bowls curiously.

"Well, the easiest way for me to explain would be...there are levels of Connections. For example with Maggot, Trash, and Unwanted, you have a level one Connection where you can share memories and emotions through touch. You and I," Boy explained, "have a level two Connection. I can feel your emotions and I know your physical state of well being. It is also much easier for the two of us to pass memories and thoughts through touch. A level three connection would allow us to share memories and thoughts from a short distance at will. At level four, you would be able to feel my emotions and well being as well as easily pass thoughts or emotions to me from a great distance away."

"What about that glow earlier?" Anna asked.

The group started to carefully make their way back to the Cyber Chamber as they spoke. This time, Maggot answered as he delicately dipped a clawed finger into the food and stuck it in his mouth to taste.

"That's Boy's special thing. As an alpha male, he has the ability to blind others, but with your Connection, the effect should have been almost nonexistent on you. Boy cannot do any harm to you willingly."

"An alpha male?" Anna questioned.

     The two aliens glanced at each other and shared a laugh. Boy placed a hand gently on Anna's back, another on her shoulder (remember they have 4 arms so yes he's still holding the tray). A very quick flash of information entered her brain, lasting only a few seconds. It showed a green Salam standing in darkness. For a moment he turned transparent and she could see two hearts  and a number of organs she could not name. blood of a deep, dark green color pumped mightily through his veins. Suddenly it switched to a purple Salam, one which had only one heart and two less organs than the green. This one's blood moved sluggishly and was a lighter green.

     And she knew what the two missing organs did; one for protection, which could glow blindingly bright and even emit a venom to the alpha male's teeth and tentacles, and the other for...

     Anna felt her cheeks redden and she pulled swiftly away from the green alien. The two males laughed teasingly at her and continued to do so until they had returned to the Cyber Chamber.

     For the most part, everyone stayed in the Cyber Chambers. The humans felt more confident with their numbers while the four remaining aliens wished to come across as harmless as possible. After a long time, Trash rejoined them after unwanted went to get him back. He stayed away from the humans as best he could, but the once decently sized room was swiftly getting crowded, especially with these tall aliens.

     And then, everyone who could be was awake once more. 15 humans in total with the five, colorful Salam aliens. Anna made a huge effort to introduce everyone and answer whatever questions she could. She made sure everyone knew at least two things: The Salam came in peace and there was a second, deadly and sinister alien presence among them....

     "Thank you, most of you, for your hospitality and willingness to listen," Boy called out once everyone was settled in with food and introductions finished.

      Kelly's group hung out in a corner near the door to the Chamber while the aliens stood with their backs to the Cyber pods. Child was still speaking softly with Teddy and Singer while Trash was huddled up on top of one of the uppermost pods.

     "In order to crush the threat to both of our peoples, we need to act together and we need to act fast. You know each other better than I or my companions ever could. If you see someone acting odd, tell someone immediately and we will investigate. In my people, a clear sign was an insanity and a stiffening of soft muscles such as the tongue. If everyone is willing, perhaps we could conduct medical checks?" Boy called out.

     There was a murmuring among the crew as Anna stood at Boy's sides, clenching her hands tightly together. The loudest of them were Kelly's group.

    "How do we know YOU aren't parasitic?!" Mandy Cortez snapped, safely behind a fake potted plant.

     Boy turned to her with a gentle smile, but his eyes were growing dark. Anna had quickly learned exactly what this meant and she swiftly grabbed at his nearest hand. He relaxed some, but the darkness remained.

     "I would have killed the lot of you already," he chuckled and stroked Anna's hair comfortingly. She could hear the clear threat in his voice, but he had a good point. 

     Mandy sputtered and ducked down in fright while Maggot laughed gleefully.

      "I'd say you taste better than the slop you give yourselves to eat!" Maggot cackled.

     Anna shivered. She knew he wasn't making a joke. He knew exactly what a human tasted like, after all. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kelly flinch and sort of curl up into herself. Obviously, Kelly knew this same fact. But both women had one thing in their minds; how had Maggot and the other Salam been so certain Oscar had been infected by this parasite in such a short amount of time?


Speeding through the crew awakening because I'm a lazy dog. Wuff.

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