Tears of the Pacific Pearl

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Alaska had been jumpy ever since the meeting began, From the ticking of the clock on the wall, to the way she felt like she heard a Radar ping Via her connection to her Ship, Prince of Wales and Illustrious both had shared their concerns for the Heavy cruiser, but Commander Klein just ending up saying, "She's overly sensitive when away from her ship"

Alaska: You bitch I am Not!! 

Klein: Language, Alaska

Alaska: I can say it in Japanese and Russian if you so wish

Illustrious giggles drawing the attention of the annoyed Heavy cruiser

Alaska: What are you giggling at?

Illustrious: I find it so lovely knowing you two share such a bond that you speak like this to each other

Alaska turns away and looks out the window to hide her blush, Causing Klein to smile and Illustrious to giggle more

Prince of Wales: Now then, Commander, What is your plan to deal with the Sakura empire?

Klein: I hope I don't have to resort to an all out Naval Engagement, it wouldn't end well for any party involved, So my first and main option is diplomatic, try to reach some deal with them

Alaska feels a tugged in her chest, the sounds of planes flying over draw her out of thought, before looking out at the Ocean and thinking

'Am......Am i scared of that dark Blue abyss that swallowed me whole?'


*20 miles from Azur lane base*

Two Fox sisters stand side by side, The brunette looking at the horizon with a crazed look, while the White haired fox sister looks less than enthusiastic

Akagi: Don't you feel it sister? the Power of this Fleet? coursing throughout your body?!

Kaga: No, i feel the Fear of the enemy, It feels amazing!

Kaga's mood completely shifts, aligning with her sister as they nod to each other and summon their rigging, Making the carrier they were standing on disappear and form their flight decks......

Akagi: Sister's!

All of the Sakura Ships in escort of the carriers look to Akagi, Holding their breath

Akagi: Launch the Attack......Tora Tora Tora!!

Waves of Carrier born Dive bombers and torpedo bombers take off and fly towards their designated target.......

Azur lane Ships in dock.....




Alaska shook her head, the constant Pinging of Radar contacts filling her head, she groans and holds her head

Illustrious: Lady Alaska? are you perhaps feeling sick?

Illustrious, some how sneaking up on Alaska, places her hands on Alaska's shoulders and rubs them softly

Alaska: I'm fine, my Radar must be acting up again

Alaska, in a break of her usual ice cold character, smiles at Illustrious, shocking Klein, Before King George looks to Alaska

Prince of Wales: Maybe you should take a walk? i know how stuffy indoor areas must feel after being in the Bearing strait

Alaska: Yeah......I'm gonna take a breath of fresh air, sorry Commander

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