Mirror Mirror, What's behind you?

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Last chapter explained why Alaska is the way she is, but you all came for Boat fights and possible romance, Right? So i shall Give you JUST THAT, Oh and if you want I can take OC ships and slip them in, just FYI]]




Alaska looked down at her now repaired Deck, vestal doing a wonderful job patching the holes left by the bombs of siren dive bombers.....The world around growing quiet as her thoughts drifted to her sister.....Eagle union ships looked to her and either threw insults her way or just looked away....she looked to the Sky, the snow falling around her made her feel numb to the core..........




{Present Day}

Alaska walked to her ship, slowly eying the things around her, apparently Enterprise brought in two Dragon Empry ships while Alaska was knocked unconscious and the had set a shop up near the beach, speaking of said beach, Alaska looked to her left, There on the beach were a few destroyer girls, Cruiser Girls, and one carrier who seemed to be bleeding from the nose

"Fuckin Lolicon", Alaska mumbled to her self, she felt a weight on her should and looked to it, there she found Enterprise's Eagle, Grimm, "What are you doing Grimm?", The Eagle responded by nuzzling it's beak into her hair, "I knew you liked me better than that Flight deck of a women"

A few minutes later, Alaska and Grimm walked up onto the deck of Her ship, causing the Large cruiser to smile, "Isn't this nostalgic Grimm? just the two of us", Alaska says as she wipes a bit of grease off one of her Turrets

"Only You two?", A voice called out from behind her, causing Alaska to turn around and look back to where the voice came from, Enterprise......

"Was this your plan? get me to warm back up to Grimm and then back me into a corner?", Alaska asks while crossing her arms, making her chest seems lightly bigger, "No, not really, All I knew was that Grimm flew off and I followed where he went, Guess he still holds a soft spot for you"

Grimm Squawks in acknowledgement causing Alaska to laugh and Enterprise to smile at the Large cruiser and her Eagle.......

[Time for the Conversation style writing]

Enterprise: Alaska.........L-look I want to say I'm-

Alaska: Sorry? don't be, you didn't start the rumor, nor did you really degrade me, like you said, You were only following orders

Enterprise: Look it isn't that simple

Alaska: Why isn't it huh? From where I'm standing it is super simple, you had an Image to up-hold,  And you up-held that image 

Enterprise: Why won't you let me Explain Myself?!?

Alaska: Because I'm Afraid of the Fucking truth Enterprise!!

Enterprise backed up in shock, Very rarely if ever did Alaska show pure emotions like Anger or Sadness, and this time, the dam had broken, Tears streamed down Alaska's pale cheeks

Alaska: I block myself off from everyone in hopes of being left alone, like i was when i Basically fucking died those many years ago, Like i was when I was broken after my sister's death, I made my own fucking truth so that I had something to back up on

Enterprise slowly walked up to Alaska 

Alaska: No one was there for me when Guam died, No one was there when the Eagle Union scrapped my sisters........No one was there for me in my final hours

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