Chapter 8

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Crystal's P.O.V.

I'm not going to lie but lying next to Sebastian with his arm around my waist made me feel safe as if he could protect me from anything. This feels right, but what are we? We're definitely not a couple. Can we even be considered friends? Sebastian is next to me breathing softly, it feels like it's been two hours since he fell asleep. I gently try to pry his arms away from my waist, which I was successful in. As I try to get up off the bed trying to go to my own room and sleep, I am pulled back down onto the bed. My back is turned to a solid hard chest.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sebastian asked in a husky voice that ran shivers down my spine.

"I would like to sleep in my own room please" I am squirming trying to get away from him, but he is just too strong.

"Why?" He sounded upset as if I had broken his heart or something.

"What do you want from me, Sebastian?" I asked turning around so I am looking at his beautiful face. The only light source in the room is the moonlight shining inside the room.

"What?" He asked as if I had just asked him the most confusing question in the universe.

"What do you want from me?" He looks tense, but yet still so sexy.

"You randomly forced me to marry you before I even knew who you were, you ripped me away from the only life that I have ever known, then you kiss me and tell me that you want me and you never want me to leave you. I mean do you even know me Sebastian? Do you even care about me? Am I just some toy that you want at the moment and throw away when you're bored? You're always confusing me and I never know what to think of you. Is this just some sort of sick game that you're playing? Because I can tell you right now that toying with someone's emotion is the most cruel thing that you can do to another individual."

His face darkened. "Don't you ever think that I don't care about you and your emotions. I thought I already made it clear enough but obviously I haven't. What do I want you ask. I want you and I won't stop until you are mine. Every time I see you, you take my breath away. I always try to get to know you, impress you, and make you happy, but you always put up this wall and mask up your emotions. I always try to get close to you but you always just push me away. These couple of days has been the most wonderful days because there is something about you that awakens these feelings inside of me that I have never experienced before. Don't you understand Crystal? I want to be your knight in shining armor, I want to protect you and make you happy." He said with firmness in his voice.

His speech sent shivers down my spine. I felt this weirs sensation in my stomach and my heart is beating so loud and fast I am almost positive that he can hear it.

"Let's just go to sleep" I said turning around. I hear his sigh as his arm makes his way around my waist once again.

"I'm going to be gone for two months" he said

"Why?" I asked. Part of me felt relief when he said that, but part of me also felt sad.

"Business trip" he replied.

"When are you leaving?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Tomorrow" he mumbled.

"I'm going to miss you" he added kissing the top of my head.

"You should get some sleep" I said closing my eyes.

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