8. Develop Tribe-Building and Leadership Abilities

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If you want to become a better man in today's world, you must understand the value of leadership.

Read The Art Of War by Sun Tzu. Follow it up with Radical Candor by Kim Scott.

Watch leadership videos by experts like Gary Vaynerchuk.

Understand that dominance hierarchies are real, and that climbing the hierarchy effectively gives you the power to not only affect greater positive change-but to also level-up your life in innumerable ways.

Building a tribe starts with your immediate friends and family.

Start taking on the responsibility of organizing things and leading important projects.

Learn how to mitigate disagreements peacefully. Learn to encourage, console, and motivate others.

Don't be afraid to step into that leadership role.

Take responsibility, and make sure that team projects succeed.

As men, we need to become better, more effective leaders for our tribes, families, and communities.

This will create a better world, and make us better men in the process.

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