23. Be Kind and Respectful, But Take No Sh*t

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As a recovering 'nice guy,' one of the hardest lessons I've had to learn is that you can still be kind without tolerating nonsense.

As men, it's of infinite importance that we maintain strong, healthy boundaries while also enforcing them with kindness and respect.

Kindness is an ultimate strength. It shows that we're in control of our faculties at all times.

But make no mistake. It's not 'kind' to let people overstep your boundaries.

You must achieve this delicate balance, and learn to hold people accountable, while executing big-time on kindness and respect.

It's like a lion who protects his pride, but doesn't hesitate to gently 'swat' the cubs or growl at them when they overstep their boundaries.

He doesn't hurt them. But he lets them know that he's not to be messed with.

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