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Sorry guys I didn't know that if you upload something from google docs to watt-pad it won't space out, the writing won't be in italics or bold but now I know so excuse my format for the last one I tried fixing it, but who knows how that went. I figured out how to use this a little bit better haha sorry. And excuse any mistakes. That's all Enjoy:)

Tris POV

I'm walking by the chasm when I notice what looks like some sort of secret stairs meant to look like rocks and I stop. My mind wonders where this will lead to and if I should follow it or not. My curiosity gets the best of me and I decide to slowly go down the rocky steps just in case it's nothing and I will fall. As I quietly reach the last step I see a shadow and stop in my tracks but I hit a small rock and it crumbles down the last step and rolls into the water with a small splash. The person seems startled and jumps a little and I saw that it was a boy. He turned around a little and the moonlight hit the side of his face and I saw who it was. I immediately want to climb right back up the stairs . I regret coming here.

"Tris?" he asks

"Tobias." I state trying to stay calm who knows how that worked out.

"What are you doing here" he says turning back around to the water crashing among the rocks.

"I could ask the same" I respond. What could he be doing here?

"Tris." he sighs " Just tell me."

"Why?" I don't know why I'm doing this probably because I know he won't hurt me or anything. I've seen his soft side, I know he has one I'm not afraid of him.

"Really?" he turns to look at me a small smile forms on his lips it reminds me when we climbed the Ferris wheel and he caught me staring at him and when he asked about it i just simply replied nothing and my cheeks flushed. "I asked first."

My head falls back a little and I let out a laugh "Very mature Tobias. But if you must know I found the stairs and was curious to where they would lead me."

"Wow that's pretty cheesy Tris you could just say that you were looking for me not say that secret stairs lead you to me." I roll my eyes but can't help the small smile spreading across my face.

"Oh sure that is what I spend all my time doing today even yesterday just wondering where could the legendary Four be." I say in a mocking tone. This time it's his turn to laugh.

"I know I know." It grows silent for a bit and he looks at me again "Well aren't you gonna sit?"

"Oh yeah" I walk over to him calmly still a little nervous. I'm not sure what I feel for Tobias it's a little more than friends. I mean he saved me when Peter and his posse attacked me. He helped me out during initiation taught me methods of fighting. Heck he even told me his real name and past story. He trusted me enough to do that so why not trust him with a part of me. It has been a little over six months since initiation ended and I still deny any feelings towards him. Him and his godly features that has EVERY girl stopping and staring. Yes I feel jealous sometimes but then again he is friends with me and not them and he trusted me with his deepest darkest secrets. That has to mean something right? I don't know I just wished he felt something for me. When I reach the edge of the rock I sit down next to him, close. Too close. Approximately six inches.

"So why are you here?" I ask

"I always come here."

"Really?" I ask "Why's that?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." I glare at him and he looks at me with a smirk growing on his face."I'm kidding!" he laughs "I found this place when I was a initiate. I come here when I'm stressed It helps me calm down and think about things." he says his voice getting a little lower. I look at the water and feel the splash of it on my ankles rolling down and soaking the top of my sock. Keeping my gaze on the water I ask

Tris and Four One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now