Swingy Thingy

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Tris pov

"Tris! We have to go on that one!" Christina points eagerly to the huge wooden roller coaster with a banner in the arc of this wooden gate, that meant it was the entrance, it read Gold Striker. There was a cartoon picture of an old guy with a brown hat on top of his grey hair and brown overalls that were slightly covered in the front by his beard, he had a gold tooth and a pick. He appeared to be a miner.

We are currently at some amusement park that Uriah found and insisted that we had to go, because it would be 'the best day of our boring lives' and if we didn't go it was because we were pansycakes. After that really convincing argument we had said no. But being Uriah he wouldn't leave us alone and told Zeke his idea, of course, he agreed and told Shauna, who told Lynn, and once Uriah found Marlene everyone was going except Christina and me. I actually wouldn't mind going but since Uriah is the one who knows where this so-called amusement park is at, we might get lost and just end up coming home the next day. It has happened before, him saying that we would go on a little adventure to who knows where and then halfway into the ride he would say, 'oh I think we missed the turn about 30 minutes ago'. Nevertheless, after a few minutes of arguing here we are. We, meant Christina, Will, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn, and me. At least for now Zeke said he would meet us later that he was bringing some friends.

"Okay let's go." Everyone cheered and we hurried to get in line. We made small chatter, then there was the occasional telling of jokes until we got on the ride.

I've always loved roller coasters, the adrenaline that runs through your body, the feel of the wind hitting your face making your hair fly everywhere, how you can't help the combination of screams and laughs falling out of your mouth, throwing your arms up while they wiggle in the air like thin noodles. The overall experience is great and when we get off you hear a chorus of whoops or let's do it again. We all walk down the stairs and to exit we have to go through this shack, but once we enter we realize they took pictures.

"Noo!" Uriah drawled out dramatically getting on his knees. I started laughing and smacked the back off his head.

"Come one Uri, it can't be that bad." Marlene tries to get him to stand up.

We all walk towards the screens and I go to the back area since that's where I sat with Lynn. The back goes the fastest because it's being pulled and you can't really see what's going on which make it all that more exciting. Lynn had her hands up, excitement evident on her face, and she looked to be screaming 'yeah!' I was sitting next to her leaning towards her side but not on her, eyes squinting a bit,one of my hands coming to cover my mouth because I was laughing the other was just awkwardly held tight to my chest. In front of us was Christina tucked safely in Will's arm and a huge smile on her face that was probably her laughing the whole way down. Will had one hand up, the other pulling Christina into his chest, and on open mouth smile on his face. The last one made us die of laughter Marlene had her arms up and a wide smile she looked like was having so much fun. Then there was Uriah. Oh Uriah. He was clutching to the restraint as hard as he could his eyes were so wide they looked like they could pop right out of his face if he opened them wider. He had a mortified expression on his face, mouth open all the way it looked like he was about to cry. It was hilarious. As soon as we saw it we lost control of ourselves.

"Guyss," Uriah groaned "it's not funny."We just ignored him and continued our fits of laughter.

"Lynn! It wasn't some scared little kid that was screaming like he was going to pee his pants! It was Uriah!" I yelled. During the ride, we heard a high pitched scream thinking it was just a little boy scared out of his mind.

"What's the difference!" This just made us all laugh harder. My lungs were burning, I was clutching tightly to my stomach, and I was wheezing for air. Our faces were all red, Uriah out of embarrassment, and we were trying to keep our feet planted on the ground some of us squatted holding on to shelves to keep our balance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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