Chapter Four - Fast Friends

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Rose dipped into a short curtsy and when she arose, words began to flow from her lips. "Misses, lunch is ready to be served. Please allow me to lead you to the dining room. The cook really has outdone herself, yes she has. Miss Pellington cooked the finest stuffed duck I ever did see, and paired them with carrots and celery, coated with a delectable meat sauce made from the ducks entrails and fat." This she said in her usual, casual manner, but quickly lowered her voice to a near whisper for the next bit, as if telling a secret. "Now, dont say anything, but I stole a taste for myself, once I began smelling the savory goodness that Miss Pellington pulled from the oven."

Madeline and Margaret crossed their hearts and for the first time in a while, giggles flowed from their lips, filling the hallway with the innocence of youthful laughter. Rose was becoming a fast friend, though she was a few years older than them, at the age of seventeen. Her heart pitied the young girls, she had overheard Aunt Beatrice talking to Mister Greaves earlier, and heard her mention that their parents had perished in a fire. Rose thought that was such an awful way to go, and her heart became saddened when she thought of what these girls had been through.

Rose became determined shed be a source of light to them, if they would let her. Rose knew how difficult it was to lose a parent. She had lost her mother when she was fifteen and helped her father raise her three younger siblings. Times were tough for her family, but before her mother passed, she told Rose to be the light in her family, and to love and support them always. Rose, of course, agreed with tears streaming down her youthful face. Her mother was passing on the flame of duty to her daughter, whom she had taught in humility and grace. Rose mother kissed her cheeks and wiped away her tears, all the while telling her that everything would be alright, as mothers tend to do.

* * *

The three girls stopped in front of a large pair of chestnut doors, composing themselves before Rose opened the door for the sisters and showed them in. Rose curtsied and closed the door behind Madeline and Margaret. The sisters stepped forward and were joined by a servant who showed them to the table on the right, informing them that the table on the left was for the boys, and the table against the wall on the far side of the room was for the governors and governesses of the school.

They sat facing the center of the room, Madeline seated to Margarets right, and watched the other boarders take their seats. A few moments later, kitchen maids began to bring in the food, all while the main cook began informing them what was being served.

Plates of food were placed in front of them, and they marveled at the scrumptious meal, ready to taste the food which smelled deliciously savory. Madeline peeked at the girls around the table, looking for a signal to begin eating. She wasnt sure what kinds of traditions the school practiced, and did not wish to act too hastily and be deemed foolish.

The sound of someone clearing their throat quieted the room.

"Bless us, oh Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we humbly receive from Thy bounty. Amen." The Head Master spoke softly, but with a firm voice, and the boarders joined in once he began the prayer to bless the food before they broke bread. Having finished the prayer, the room filled once more with a low buzz, this time chatter mixed with the occasional gentle clinking of tableware as the young masters and ladies properly settled into their meals.

A thin girl, who appeared taller than most her age, sat to the right of Madeline. At the finish of the prayer, she quickly turned her narrow face to the sisters seated to her left, and opened her mouth to greet them.

"Good day, ladies, my name is Miss Cassandra Grinkle. I have attended Kinsington since last year just after I turned four and ten. I do believe we are roomed next of door to each other. I heard you ladies leaving your room to go to lunch, as I had just left mine. It is a wonderful pleasure to meet you girls." Cassandras words and tone created a stark contrast from her appearance. Her words were as bright and friendly as her hair was dark. Though her lips, stained a pale red, were slim and small, they fit on her face quite well, especially when she smiled widely as she was now.

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