Chapter Six - Rianne

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"Welcome to Mrs. Higgsby's class for dining etiquette. Hopefully, you will retain the information I teach you so neither of our time here will be wasted." Mrs. Higgsby's snobbish voice droned on, leaving Madeline, as well as the rest of the class, feeling quite unwelcome. They became eager for the conclusion of the class, even though it had only just begun.

Her lesson continued on in a strict manner. Mrs. Higgsby rarely asked the girls for responses to the information she gave; though she did speak quite a lot, her tone condescending, as if she doubted their ability to learn anything at all. Her negativity caused the air in the room to go sour and Madeline felt as if she was going to burst from lack of fresh air.

Not a moment too soon the bell rang, dismissing the girls from the torturous hour. The girls wasted no time in gathering themselves and flooded through the door and into the hallway. It was in the hallway that Madeline caught sight of Margaret and hastened to her side. Margaret and another girl were speaking in hushed voices, both of their eyes danced with mischief. Madeline only caught a few words as she arrived at her sisters side.

-wonder she can breathe so uptightspoke the girl with Margaret in a mocking voice, poorly attempting to mimic Mrs. Higgsby's shrill voice. The girls broke into a fit of giggles, at which, Madeline could not help but smile at her sisters small joy, though she began to feel left out as they tried in vain to compose themselves.

A few moments passed before they successfully quieted themselves, the smiles on both of their faces a remnant of what had just taken place. Margaret, realizing her sister had joined them, looked between her sister and her newfound friend and hastened to perform the proper introductions.

"Ah, yes, please do excuse me. This is my dear sister, Miss Madeline Darbinshire. Madeline, this is my new acquaintance, Miss Rianne Crestland. Miss Rianne and I were just discussing the peculiarity of the pretentious woman whom we have just had the pleasure to meet." As Margaret spoke, laughter threatened to break through at any moment, and did just that once she had barely completed her sentence.

Madeline couldnt help but let the smile on her face stretch even further, and her cheeks began to pinch as a low chuckle escaped her throat. Through squinted eyes, Madeline saw her usually well-composed sister doubled over in laughter. She was slightly surprised at her willingness to break into such a strong fit of laughter, though she certainly was not going to be the one to put a stop to her rare expression of joy.

"Ladies, a firm and low voice caused their laughter to drop in an instant, do not loiter in the halls. Move along." His thick brows furrowed even further and was accompanied with a deep scowl, assuring the girls he was quite serious.

The girls eyed each other and hurried down the hall and pushed through a door, rushing into the outdoors. The open air brought new life into the laughter they had only moments before.

"He really was serious, was he not?" Rianne said with a huff, followed by a chuckle. "He must not have had a moment of fun in his life!"

Margaret's hand flew to her mouth after a startling guffaw left her lips followed by an embarrassed giggle, though her eyes twinkled in agreement with Rianne's statement.

Wiping tears from the corners of her eyes, Madeline took in a deep breath and then leaned back her head and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face. A gentle breeze wafted over her, easing the heat from the sun. Madeline opened her eyes slightly, squinting, and spied a large tree about ten yards away.

"Follow me!" Madeline called playfully over her shoulder as she skipped to the cool shade of the tree. Reaching the base of the tree, she plopped on one of the benches to rest her legs. With a hearty laugh on her lips, she pulled her skirt out from under her thigh and smoothed it out over her legs. Margaret and Rianne were close behind and, joining her under the tree, moved to sit on either side of her. Margaret swung her legs back and forth under the edge of the bench, letting her shoes scuff against the grass every now and then. She could not remember another time when she'd had so much fun.

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