So Jack has a dog...

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Idk, I just wanted to write a dog into Jack's story somehow.

(RIP Ajax my beloved OC, I miss you very much)


Ianto glanced down at his PDA, then back up at the alleyway he was slowly stalking down with a gun. Jack had insisted on finding this creature alone, but Ianto had seen that look on his face that he always saw when Jack was hiding something. He'd wanted to help him.
Ianto was beginning to think that had been a mistake.

As he found himself feeling doubtful, a huge creature (not much shorter than the houses) turned the corner. It was built like a rotweiler with white eyes. Ianto couldn't read much else about it in the dark, but it's shadow was enough to make him freeze. He brought his gun up and the creature- the dog? It looked much like one, he supposed- raised it's nose as if smelling him. Then it began charging towards him.

Distantly he heard a voice- Jack's voice, definitely- behind him. He was seconds away from pulling the trigger when Jack almost threw him back to stand in front of him and turned to face the dog.
Ianto half expected it to charge into them with the force of a truck, but as that hadn't happened for about a second, he opened his eyes. It was stationary, staring down at Jack almost motionless. Jack glared back up at the dog with a stern glare.


The dog sat on command. So it was trained. Brilliant.
How was Jack managing to control this thing all of a sudden?

There was a moment of silence where Jack continued to glare at the dog before turning to Ianto, almost apologetically. "I'm sorry, Ianto, he probably smelled me on you or something.."
Ianto looked appauled.
Jack nodded, then turned to the dog again. He held out his hand and the dog lowered it's head to push it's muzzle against him. Jack staggered slightly at the force but moved foward soon after to pat it's nose.

"God you are huge... You were as big as I was when I last saw you.."
Jack spoke to himself- or maybe the dog. Ianto watched on in complete awe. "You have a massive black dog. And you didn't tell me."
"I haven't seen him in about 130 years.. These dogs they're a sort of... Guard breed. They live for 200 years usually, they grow like trees. I had him when I joined the Time Agency- thing is, you can't rehome them, they bond with one item that a person might wear or own for their whole life. It's what makes them great guard dogs. They might be bonded to a crown so that they protect whatever person is on the throne."

Ianto nodded, beginning to understand what Jack meant, but was unsure of how Jack managed to bond one to him for so long. "..So.. What is he bonded to then? What have you kept on you all this time?"
Jack pulled back the sleeve of his coat to expose his wrist strap.

Putting his hand back on the dog's snout, Jack continued: "When I figured out that he'd found a way back here somehow I had to track him down quick. He's a pretty... Aggressive... Breed. He wouldn't hurt me but he would probably kill someone else. Especially if he thought that they were a threat to me."
At this information, Ianto stared at him, and then at the dog. "Is it going to-"
"-Probably not. You smell a bit like me, he'll most likely go easy on you."
"I'm not liking these 'maybe's.."

Jack shrugged "I trained him pretty well. If I don't want him to kill you, he wont."
"Yes, well you should probably tell him I'm friendly before he uses me as a chew toy.." Ianto muttered, not appreciating the image of a massive black dog using him as a toothpick- which was not a way to die he'd ever imagined as possible before Torchwood.

Jack moved off of the dog and it raised it's head again, glaring down at them- at Ianto, probably- with it's piercing white eyes.
"I guess you're more a cat person?" Jack mused, grinning at him. Ianto stared back at him, finding it a little bit less funny. Unphased, Jack turned to look back up at the dog.

"Do you remember your name?"
Jack grinned. The dog looked back at him and blinked.
It tilted it's head. Apparently so! This made Jack happy so that was something.
"Shame you won't know my name, huh.." he added with a slight frown. Ianto wasn't sure why Ajax wouldn't remember Jack's name considering he remembered his own. "Surely he remembers your name?"
Jack shook his head. "No, I had a different name back when I last saw him. He wont know my name."

Ianto had heard about that, he was sure Tosh had told him. He didn't know what Jack's old name was, he supposed that if it had mattered much to him, he would've brought it up. Ianto had learned to accept the mysteries surrounding Jack from time to time- mostly because Jack had insisted on many occassions that that is what Ianto should do. While he could agree that it made him 'more interesting', it did irritate Ianto very often; he wanted to know Jack, and yet every day he still seemed to be faced with something huge, furry and terrifying Jack had not once brought up before.

"What was your name? Before you took 'Jack'?"
There was no answer. Typical of him, really, he didn't know what he was expecting him to say. Something else appeared to be on Jack's mind now.

"What am I gonna do with you, huh?" Jack murmured, half to himself. Ianto guessed that Ajax was now a problem for Jack. Something as huge and protective as Ajax would be a pain to keep in the hub- Ianto wasn't sure they had anywhere that would be able to handle his size. Even if Jack decided to keep him elsewhere, someone would have to take care of him- and Ianto knew already that that 'someone' was bound to be him. More animal shit to clean up. Great.
"Can't we send him through the rift or something?"

Jack looked at him, clearly THAT idea hadn't even crossed Jack's mind, let alone been considered. "I can't send him back through. I haven't seen him in so long- and if I did he would stop at nothing to get back to me again."
"Loyal, then..."

Ajax was certainly going to be a problem. He could probably find the room to house a huge black dog somewhere in Cardiff, but it wasn't ideal. Perhaps they should consider keeping him at Flat Holm. At least there would be workers there willing to feed Ajax that way. When Ianto brought up the idea, Jack seemed on board with it.
"One problem though: he's quite... big." Ianto added. "He'll be difficult to transport to Flat Holm."

Jack shrugged as if getting a dog the size of a building all the way to Flat Holm without being spotted was no problem. "He can swim. Can't you, Ajax?"
The dog stared down at him, it's tail starting to wag.
So Jack was going to ride him to Flat Holm. He wasn't even surprised at this point.

"Right... Great... Okay, I'll call the ladies down at the island then, see if they're alright throwing him a bone every now and then..." It was a ridiculous idea, but then again, it was Torchwood. Ridiculous was the norm.

"Question is: where are we gonna hide him in the meantime?"

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