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Not only my 70th chapter, but also a Christmas one!!

Sorry it's a bit short, but yk, I have things to do this holiday season‼️
Still, please enjoy and Happy Christmas <3


Jack slumped onto the sofa in the hub, listening to the whirring of machines, the distant sound of the sea from above ground; he checked his watch.


His Christmas Days usually went by like this. It was nothing new, of course, he'd not had a family to speak of in a long time. Sure, he celebrated a little, but people usually had other places to be today.

Gwen was with Rhys and their families, Tosh and Owen were up to their own business and Ianto was with his family too. Jack would never put himself in the way of any of it, but it did get incredibly lonely...

It was just one of those days where you could feel time passing in your fingertips, draining and slow. Even the rift had been silent today, so there wasn't much room to take his mind off of things. Sure, there were probably plenty of parties going on he could slip into, but he wasn't exactly in the mood-- a disgustingly rare occurance.

The more he felt himself drained of energy, the more tempted he was to just get out of the hub and go watch the city from above; it was what he usually did whenever he felt alone. Gave him a reason.

Pushing himself back to his feet, he strided towards the door, grabbing his coat off of the stairs as he went.

Usually he would've taken the elevator out, but in the name of changing his pace, Jack decided to take the stairs. He was in the mood to at least do something with his body before he spent all night thinking.

Making his way along the corridor, he threw his coat over his shoulders, taking in the damp yet slightly stale air; when he reached the secret door out, he was slightly surprised to find it opening without him pressing the button.

Then he stopped dead.

"I thought... I thought you were at your family's for Christmas." Jack stepped out of the doorway and into the tourist office to avoid it automatically closing on him. Ianto chuckled lightly, shaking his head, "I think if I spent all night with my family I'd lose my mind..." he shifted his weight, "I mean, they offered to pull out an air bed or something but.. Hey. I figured..." He trailed off, a tint of nerves in the back of his voice. Jack did his best to conceal his joy.

"Sooo... You're... Free?" Jack still treaded carefully; now that the opportunity had presented itself, he didn't want to lose it. Ianto nodded hesitantly, "I'm free. I-If you.. If you want?"
"I do," he may have sounded eager, but at the end of the day, it was Ianto. Who wouldn't want to spend any time with him?

"What have you been doing, then?"
"Nothing. Rift's been quiet. Everyone else is off doing... Whatever it is they're doing." Jack put a hand in his coat pocket, hoping he didn't seem to pathetic, moping around in the hub like a dog that'd been left at home on it's own while it's owners went to work. Ianto smiled, then tilted his head back slightly, "Wanna come back to mine? Have a Baileys or something?"
As odd as it sounded, Ianto looked so real now, it was more than charming. Right now, he was just Ianto Jones, about as domestic and perfect as a man could be. It was almost enough to bring out a kind of stereotypical wistful sigh. "Definitely... "


"Woah. Talk about decoration. It's so warm." Jack observed the lights Ianto had set up-- sure, he didn't have much need to properly decorate, but clearly he was still just a little bit too keen to decorate to turn it down. "That's what I was going for. Reds and warm whites."
Having been to Ianto's flat many times by now, Jack practically made himself at home. He hung his coat up and removed his boots, took a seat on the sofa and stretched his spine, finally relaxing.

A moment later, Ianto handed him a glass of Baileys and sat down beside him; he always tended to sit very close to Jack-- not that he ever complained. It was typical of Ianto to have quite a personal bubble, but it was obvious beneath it that he liked being near Jack, despite everything else. Automatically, he wrapped an arm around his waist and held him there, relishing the feeling of warm, comfortable company.

"Do you wanna watch something?" Ianto asked after a moment of silence. Taking a sip of Baileys, Jack smiled, "You say that like I have a choice what we watch. Which Bond movie are you feeling this time."
"Goldfinger. Obviously. Best Bond movie of them all." Over time, Ianto had grown less awkward about being a massive nerd around him. It pleased Jack to know that Ianto was actually comfortable talking to him, and Jack loved nothing more than seeing him enthusiastic. "Of course. I'm looking foward to hearing you quote the whole film."
"Don't challenge me, It'll get embarrassing fast." Ianto chuckled before leaning foward, prompting Jack to loosen his hold on him so that he could grab the remote.

As Ianto put the movie on and properly settled into him, Jack took a long moment to properly remind himself of how lucky he was to have him around. They both moved to lay down on the sofa, Jack held him against him as securely as possible. He'd come back and thought about him on Christmas Day.
Nobody did that.
Now, despite how lonely he'd felt before, he could be completely at-ease, forever grateful for just how brilliant Ianto Jones could be. In the end, he was all the gifts he needed.

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