Cat Person.

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Ianto Jones was so stereotypically feline.

That reserved glare that never seemed to change, always putting out a calm, unbothered energy. He remained cold and indifferent.

Then Jack had bothered to dig a little deeper.

Always seemed to be perfectly clean and presentable, Ianto took incredible care of his appearance, his senses were sharp and astute. Formiddable balance and dry wit seemed to be natural characteristics, and at first, he seemed averted to the idea of physical touch; he never enjoyed getting too close to anyone. Maybe he just didn't trust them.

Eventually though, like anyone probably would, Ianto got bored of 'solitary'. That was when Jack had really started to get to know Ianto.

Affectionate, would you believe it? Loyal and empathetic. Were those feline? No, that was almost canine in feature. Ianto had much more grace than any kind of dog ever would, but once you'd broken past the exterior, his personality was warm, caring and and almost child-like. Could those ever be traits cats owned? Jack wouldn't know. He really wasn't much of a cat person himself.

Ianto was, though. He probably would have cats if he didn't have Torchwood, he seemed the type to want an untrainable asshole around.

Halfway through Jack's thought process, he spotted the irony. Ianto DID have an untrainable asshole around. He was dating him. The hole he'd dug himself all of a sudden made him chuckle. Jack had always fancied himself more of a stray dog kinda guy. Bit less niave than a house pet, but charming in a mysterious, dangerous kinda way.

Ianto liked having hands in his hair, that was something Jack had picked out very quickly. Every time he touched him in passing affection, Ianto always seemed to either reluctantly remind Jack that they were working, or close his eyes and lean into him. He really was utterly gorgeous, there was something about the fact that he trusted Jack completely, gave him every ounce of affection that made him feel so special.

It was like being perfect for somebody in a way that you could see with your own eyes. Trust and love was not an easy thing to earn from someone like Ianto, the fact that Jack had it was an incredible feeling. It was rewarding and it was concrete; Ianto was HIS.

Not only that, but he wasn't the type of guy who got attached to anyone else. That was his loyalty, Jack never had such a strong sense of devotion. It didn't feel right, pairing them together- fundamentally they were different. Ianto was drawn entirely to him, his heart practically beated for him. Jack wasn't so sure he was capable of that, sometimes.

Despite this, he would never swap Ianto for anybody. Not for anybody he'd ever been with before, not for Gwen, not for anyone in he world, dead or alive. Maybe he wasn't hopelessly devoted, but then again, that just wasn't in his blood.

Maybe he was more of a cat person than he thought.

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