1 . Virgin Mary

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*Alpha Knox*

"Alpha, we have found a group of rogues near the border. They haven't crossed into our territory yet but they seem to have no intention on leaving."

I feel my muscles tighten and I know I'm scowling. Fucking rogues have been getting bolder lately. My wolf begins to snarl, extending its claws, drawing crimson red blood from my palms, fighting to break free and tear the limbs from their bodies for daring to come so close to my territory. A frightening growl thunders from my throat as I picture ripping into their flesh and sending a message to all rogues to stay the fuck away from what's mine.

"Gather a small team of warriors and let the rogues know that they have 5 minutes to run before you chase. Let it be known if they are caught again anywhere near our territory I'll put their head on a spike, that is, if they survive your hunt." The words come out venomous and I hear my head warrior smirk behind me,

"Yes Alpha"

Once the door is closed A frustrated sigh leaves my lips and I rub my fingers through my tousled brown hair. Tomorrow I turn 28 and I still haven't found my mate yet. Most wolves in our pack that are of age have already found their mates and so I always seem to be the odd one out. I have a growing thriving pack of nearly 15,000 wolves, it's hard to not be envious, of course I'm overjoyed that my packmembers have found their other halves and have brought strength in numbers to the pack as well as numerous alliances however watching the many families makes it hard to forget that I don't have one. My knuckles start to ache with the need to punch something, my chest starts to rise and fall faster, I feel my heart bashing against my ribs, the memories trying to push their way to the forefront of my mind but I refuse them.

My parents were anything but loving. My father a drunken deadbeat who used to kiss with his fists so fiercely  he'd leave marks all over my body. My mother had a mouth like a weapon every word leaving bullet holes in my skin. At the age of 15 I had challenged my father for his title, and I won. After he died my mother followed shortly after.
At 15 I learnt to rebuild what my parents had destroyed, I strengthened the pack, nourished it and watched as it blossomed. And now I watch out of my office window as families play in their front yards, how mates walk hand in hand toward the pack house. I yearn for a love of my own.

My beta,Jaxon is also without a mate so we often bury ourselves in our work to distract ourselves and our wolves. My ears pick up and I can hear someone at the door to my office.
Rubbing my hands against my face I almost groan at the constant intrusions. Can't people just leave me the fuck alone for five fucking minutes.

"Come in Alexis." I sigh
I hear the door open and small footsteps trickling in. Looking up I see Alexis dressed in clothes I can only describe as skimpy. I know what she's doing but I don't care, it does nothing for me. She as well as any other female I've ever met do absolutely nothing for me. Sometimes I wonder if my mate is a man but then I look at men and well they're men.

Barely sparing her a glance I move my attention to the papers in front of me and refrain from growling in annoyance. Alexis is a sweet girl, but she's not my mate. She was once a good friend of mine until she started suggesting that we hookup. Shes a great girl, she's smart and fun, she has blonde hair blue eyes and a petite frame, but shes crazy if she thinks I'd give up on my own mate for her. No way in hell, just the thought puts me on edge.

"Hey Ry Ry ,"

I let our a warning growl and threw her an icy glare
"It's Alpha to you Alexis"  she needs to learn her place and show me respect. Only those close in friendship/ranking who I've said, May call me by name. Alexis is neither close as a friend or in ranking.

She looked a little surprised at my tone but recovered quickly

"Well Alpha, I was just thinking about you, I know it's your birthday tomorrow and I was hoping I could give you your present early"

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