6. The alliance

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Alpha Blake's POV

"Alpha Blake is-"

Flinging the door open I speak firmly and clearly

"RIGHT here! Good afternoon beta Darius, Beta Jaxon. Alpha Knox I-"

My face feels flushed as I'm drawn in to these big beautiful eyes, his long thick lashes perfectly fanning his deep green eyes that seem to just pierce my soul. The world has fallen apart and it's just the two of us, I feel like all my worries have been washed away, I feel content and safe, this human is definitely the most Handsome man I'd ever seen. He quite literally looks like a freaking swimwear model. The need to reach out and touch him is overwhelming. His soft dark curls, his clean shaven face showing off his sculpted jaw line and his black shirt clinging to his muscles for dear life, this man is a fine specimen in deed, he is an Adonis. I notice how his nose is slightly crooked and he has small freckles around his cheekbones, his lips are plump and slightly parted, a little bit dry, an image of me kissing him pops into my mind and I am filled with a want, no, a need to know what those lips would feel like against my own, what they'd taste like, how'd it feel to run my fingers through his curls whilst his big strong rough hands ran themselves across my body. I wonder how his slightly calloused thick fingers would feel rubbing me-

"Oh MY GODDESS Marc! You two are mates!"

Fuck, what just happened. Oh my god. My mate? I'm mated to alpha Knox?

Darius why did you have to yell like that oh goddess this is so embarrassing

Hey Alpha, just checking in, I'm feeling some things through the link, you need to start shutting it off if you're going to be sharing feelings like that

I can hear the smirk in his voice

you're one to talk Dar, I'm pretty sure the whole bloody pack could feel some of your dirty feelings your first night at silver crescent.

Yeah well you told me to...talk

Snickering at his comment

Yeah I said to TALK as in have a conversation not have sex Dar.

I send him an image of me throwing my hands up exasperated just to push my point further

Oops, anyways look Marc this is a good thing, you found your mate

You Are so embarrassing and what if I'm not ready for a mate? I don't even know him how on earth could I ever like him? And he caught me staring like a creep, he probably doesn't even want me I mean goddess why would he look at him, I bet there were others before me, I'll kill them god Darius I want to fucking murder anyone who's ever touched him. No what is wrong with me.... No I'm going crazy. That's it, I don't want a mate, look how crazy they make you?!

Hey! That's not true look at jaxon and me!

My point proven

Shutup. Oh fine well I guess if you don't want him I could always set him up with one of our warriors, I hear sylvias been wanting to bag an alpha-

Something in me snaps And I yank myself From the link. I immediately look for a threat

He is OURS

My wolf is snarling viscously whilst pushing out her dominance, forcing everyone to submit. We cannot let anyone take our mate, my heart is beating rapidly and I can feel the fire wanting to burst from my fingertips. My face is cold and detached waiting for an attack. Suddenly I remember where I am and I look around to see no threat, I turn to look towards Darius only to see him grinning smugly. I quickly turn to look at my mate, scanning him for injuries and then look back to his face, I see him searching my face and I'm not quite sure, until I see his shoulders sag ever so slightly, he looks sad, hurt, disappointed. But why ?

Alpha Blake Where stories live. Discover now