4. Silver crescent Pack

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Alpha Knox POV

We've been home for nearly three days and my wolf has been going through....a lot....he's not handling things all that well.

First he was in denial , assuring me that our mate would come find us.

Second came anger, he forcefully took control and when I came to my whole office was torn to shreds.

Sadness is what we are currently dwelling in.

Meanwhile Jaxon and Darius have been parading around his cabin like a bunch of love sick pups.
Alright maybe parading around would be abit of a stretch...  In public Darius is extremely intimidating, and tense, so much so that a few of my packmembers came to me frightened beyond belief thinking that he'd tear them apart. He's just so.... So..... blank in public and it really is not a great friend making tool. However I have a sneaky suspicion that when they're alone Darius may be a big softie. I'm not sure if he's very fond of me but I know how much jaxon and him love each other. The first night I'm sure the whole pack house heard them while they... talked...

Jaxon told me that they aren't going to mark each other until they have a clear plan on what they're going to do. Something that I agree with for now.

Sitting in the second story kitchen I grab some snacks and a water. Being sad is exhausting.

"pumpkin, what if we get caught?"
A deep voice is chastising someone else

I hear a small thud and I cringe already thinking that I know where this is going,

"Well snookums, I'll just have to gouge out the eyes of whoever dares to look at my beautiful mate"

Darius's deep voice can be heard throughout the kitchen and he emphasises each word with what sounds like....kisses?
God I need to leave but no. If I'm sad those horny fuckers better be too.
I'm sure they're going to be in here soon.

I hear a few weird sounds and someone realeases a deep breathy moan

The door handle twitches and in comes Darius holding A Panting shirtless jaxon who's legs are wrapped tightly around Darius's waist. Still lip locking, neither has noticed me yet. So I do the one thing a best friend would do, I cockblock.

"Hello Beta Darius, Beta Jaxon"
I loudly announce.

Jaxon gasps and tries to jump off Darius but to his credit Darius refuses to let jaxon down and instead maintains a hard unwavering look that held no emotion at all. He seems to be completely unaware that Jaxon is embarrassed as all hell. And I'm slightly wondering why he isn't. Or at least isn't showing it.

This guy must be really fucking good at poker.

Darius just slightly nods with his grip on jaxon tightening
"Hello Alpha."
I nod back at him and look expectantly at my beta

"Yes hello Alpha Knox, great day outside lovely weather, hey so just how long have you been in the kitchen exactly? "

Jaxon asks clearly exasperated. Sighing, Darius lowers Jaxon to his feet but drapes his arm around jaxons waist

"Oh not that long....pumpkin"

I feel the smirk take over my face as I take in jaxons shocked and embarrassed look. Darius chuckles lightly to himself and I'm shocked that he has emotions.

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