Prologue: You Can Tell Our Futures?!

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"T-t-there's so many people here at the carnival! I....can'!" cried Onion Cookie. Blackberry Cookie was currently in charge of all five of Onion Cookie's friends, who had become unbearable to deal with within the first hour of their arrival at the mansion. Blackberry Cookie was thankful for the carnival to even be open in the first place. "Hey, hey, hey! Don't cry, we're here to have fun! And eat a LOT of Jellies! Especially the acorn kind!" Pancake Cookie laughed. "As future king of my kingdom, I, Custard Cookie III," he commanded, "command you to lighten up and have fun!

"The young Cookies visited many parts of the carnival. Onion Cookie accidentally won several games, due to her ghostly nature. Sorbet Shark Cookie was unable to explain why they deserved a pirate captain hat to a ring toss operator, and secretly took it. Finally, they came across a purple tent, adorned with bright and golden stars. "0o0o0! (Pretty!)" Sorbet Shark Cookie squealed in delight. "It looks just like a wizard's tent!" Cream Puff Cookie examined happily. "And those stars look so real!" Blackberry Cookie smiled. "You all seem very interested in that place." She slightly laughed, almost reading the young Cookies' minds. "I'll let you go in, okay? Just don't cause any trouble." All of their faces beamed in joy. "Thank you, Blackberry Cookie!"

As the Cookies stepped in, a hooded figure greeted them. "Hello there! I assume you are here for me to predict your futures?" Shocked, the Cookies shouted, "You can tell our futures?!" The hooded figure stepped out from the shadows to approach the Cookies. "Of course." He replied. "Wait....where are my name is Prophet Cookie. I see you are all very excited to see your futures. Now then, which one of you will go first?" Onion Cookie stepped up willingly. "I've never seen Onion Cookie that brave before!" Peppermint Cookie chirped. Bowing her head, she asked Prophet Cookie "Will I....ever stop being scared of ghosts?" Prophet Cookie narrowed his eyes. "Well....we'll just have to find out." The crystal ball began to shimmer, and within the glimmer was a blurry image of a sobbing Onion Cookie.

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