Vision One - Onion Cookie's Truth

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As she grasped her hand, Blackberry Cookie looked down on Onion Cookie. "I will always be here for you," she began, "but one day I will join the heavens. When that day comes, the truth will be your guide." Confused, Onion Cookie asks, "The truth? What...would be the truth." Blackberry Cookie's smile eroded, shifting into a depressed look. "I would not like you to find out on your own. I must tell you someday. Doing so now would result in a miserable end." Nearby ghost servants belonging to her were picking up a broken chandelier. It was a creaky, old and unstable ornament that seemed quite useless. 

As they kept walking through the manor, the two Cookies approached the chandelier, now being hanged on the ceiling. However, what happened next defined the traits of the creaky chandelier as tragedy occurred. All its screws popped off, clinging to the floor. Blackberry Cookie, whose aspect usually seemed uncaring yet protective, lost her guard in a moment of shock. The chandelier crashed straight down and plummeted towards her, trampling her over. An unconscious and weak Blackberry Cookie lay on the ground, motionless. Onion Cookie held back incoming tears. "No! Please don't go! I...need you." Blackberry Cookie twisted slightly just to see her one last time. "It seems the day has come." She created a weak smile. It was rare to see her smile. Her efficient yet blank stare always hid away any sign of her happiness. It seemed however that she deeply cared for Onion Cookie until the end. "I did not want you to see me crumble. And now, the truth is...*cough* evident." Her final words struck Onion Cookie. She stopped crying, and thought to herself, as flooding memories wiped away Blackberry Cookie's death. 

It seemed that all the memories had been repressed

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It seemed that all the memories had been repressed. The memories of having played hide and seek happily with friends in an unknown tower near a manor, filled with bright candles. Suddenly, the power goes out. Onion Cookie is unable to find her friends. Suddenly, she hears something creaking. A chandelier lay above her, falling down towards her. She awakens as a ghost, confused as to why her friends have vanished.

Realizing the events once more, Onion Cookie looks at herself in a mirror shard. She is not visible as a reflection. "I really am a ghost." She watched as Blackberry Cookie's former ghost servants swarmed her, almost as if they were awaiting orders. "I'll be your friend!" She cried joyfully. "We can make the Blackberry Manor our own, and improve it so that more Cookies like me have a place to call home!" For the first time in her afterlife, she cried of joy only, nothing else. Her Onion Tear aura began to glow, and aged up to be a slightly less younger Cookie. 

Wanting to make her happier, one of her new servants possessed her onion plush to be able to play with her

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Wanting to make her happier, one of her new servants possessed her onion plush to be able to play with her. As she grew and grew, Onion Cookie received the blessing of maturity, now having the ability to make friends and visit the Truffle Manor for once. Truffle Cookie was always surprised at how rapidly she grew. The two Cookies, young and old had many things in common. Both planned to host young guests in the future. The two decided to pick up where the late Blackberry Cookie had began. In the end, they created the Sweet Haven, a place none considered to be an orphanage, instead somewhere for young escapist Cookies like they were so long ago. One day, Onion Cookie became an adult, restoring her life back. That same day, Truffle Cookie passed on to the afterlife with Blackberry Cookie. However, she knew mourning would not help advance her new future. She now had a new duty; one that was taking care of young Cookies. 

This proved a great test of sensitivity and patience. Some days, Onion Cookie nearly cried herself to sleep because of the difficulty of caring for the Cookies. She knew, however, that she needed to persevere. One day, the youngsters were uncontrollable. She couldn't let them get away with all this chaos. "Enough!" She shouted desperately. "I want you to feel welcome, but this isn't your home." "What if you don't have a home, huh?" A mischievous Cookie sneered. Other Cookies behind him chuckled. "Then I will teach you all how to have fun without disturbing the peace." She smiled 

That day, Onion Cookie made up some games to teach Cookies how to take care of the house. In the end, they had fun doing chores. When Onion Cookie revealed that this was the former, the young Cookies were left in shock. "Wow! Chores CAN be fun!" They jumped with glee. Watching them have fun was her favorite thing. Ever since then, she never regretted creating the Sweet Haven. Which is why she was always so sad when she saw a Cookie leave. She knew that they were ready for the real world, as they returned home with or without parents. Onion Cookie was happy knowing that she had helped another child.

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