Chapter 13

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On the roof of the building, Shredder stood at the base of the towering spire, typing codes into a computer. From his belt the three canisters of the turtle's souls lay. He was going to destroy them after the disease was launched. A countdown started on the screen. In five minutes, the deadly toxin would be released into the blustery morning sky. The people on the streets below would never know what hit them.

The seven Turtles stepped onto the roof and prepared for their greatest fight ever. Shira was nervous. She has never been in a huge fight before and she was too scared to do it. The cold wind blew into her short bluish hair as well as her white ponytail bandana. Their opponent turned to face them. Shredder recognized that scar faced girl. The one that her face was cut off by his claws.

The sun reflecting from his armor and blades was nearly blinding. "Mikey, do you remember that word you used to say all this time?" Raph asked

"The one I told you never to say again?"

"Sure do," Mikey replied.

"Guys, we need a plan," Shira echoed, her new wings flapping high and strong.

"I have been saying this but...BOOYAKANYA!" squeak Manako. This was the first time Manako made that cute little word up. Raph led the charge. He ducked Shredder's strikes and lashed out with his sais. The sharp metal prongs clashed against Shredder's armor, driving him back a few steps.

The six of them jumped out to help Raph.

They closed ranks with blows. Shredder advanced, kicking and slashing with his claws the mechanized samurai suit made him almost invincible. "You know how to use this thing?" Leo asked Donnie.

"It's a simple command-line interface. No one's used this code in fifteen years," Donnie said, whelming up his goggles. Tomoka, the one who knows everything, took a step closer. "I mean, I've read about it online. But these kinds of things take time. Thinking there was no way I'd ever be in a position where the fate of an entire city would rest on whether or not I could hack out antiquated code on an antiquated system."

Tomoka walked over to him and nodded her green head in agreement. "'ll buy you some time."

Donnie and Tomoka sprang into action. Leo went straight into Shredder. He led with his swords for protection and followed with a roundhouse kick. It barely moved the dark master. Mikey was next. He whirled his kusarigama in front of him with lighting speed.

The powerful rods struck Shredder repeatedly.

They did almost no damage. Shira flapped away from the blades with her fragile water wings. Manako blazed her chainsaw around, with sparks flying everywhere.

But the plan is working. Donnie had reached the computer and was typing furiously. Raph and Shredder tangled. Sais met blades and threw sparks. Kicks were blocked, punches rebuffled. The robotic warrior tosses Raph back against a safe railing. It barely held. The turtles regrouped and surrounded Donnie and Tomoka.


Shredder marched toward the turtles. Leo thought he could feel each step shaking the roof. Shira gasps for breath, her remaining pink glowing eye trembling, her wings feeling very heavy. They would need a new plan in order to defeat Shredder. "He's too skilled. For us I suppose," Shira coughed, her wings sagged with wounds.

"We only got 50 more seconds before the toxin's released," said Leo.

"50 seconds?!"


Mikey had an idea. It seemed crazy, but it might be their only hope. "Who's up for a quick game of Buck Buck?" he asked. The five look at their little brother. Like he'd been hit in the head one too many times. It is a simple game they used to play in a sewer tunnel that had a series of buckets hanging from an overhead pipe when they were young.

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