Chapter 14

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The siblings searched for Leo and the rest and called out their names as they made their way down the sewer. There was no trace or sound from the turtles as they searched all over the fewer. A few minutes passed and everyone was worried. Then one of the yokai called out saying that they found them. They looked and saw that the creatures were gathered around something. What could it be?

The group took a look and saw something in the rubble. On the concrete floor was Leo, Mikey and Donnie but it was worse that horrified them more than ever. They almost vomited to see the sight of what had happened to the three brothers. Their collars are still on their necks and their bodies were completely drained of blood, very shrunken and white. The adrenaline boost wore off leaving them limp and dead, as if they lost too much blood. Their weapons had been destroyed and some of their clothing had been ripped into pieces and Donnie's glasses and goggles had shattered into pieces. They didn't even breathe or move. It wasn't a pretty sight to see and it shattered their hearts completely.

Shira and the others ran up to the corpses of the turtles, horrified and shocked. They could see that their breathing was still shallow. They're still alive, but almost close to death.

"No," April panicked, bending down to see them completely drained and defeat.

"Guys, we gotta get Leo, Donnie and Mikey back to the lair before it's too late," Shira cried desperately. The sisters agreed. Tomoka levitates the three turtles and begins to hurry up to the lair as fast as they could. Raph and April began to follow them desperately behind them. Tomoka begins to feel their consciousness with her mind and can sense that Leo, Donnie and Mikey are gonna fade away. "You can't leave us!" she pleaded. "We need you! " She held back a sob, not wanting her boyfriend to fade away into dust.

Shira, April and the turtles returned to the remains of their broken lair and found Splinter still lying in the center of the needle room. Tomoka knew there was no time to waste. She had to save Splinter first. She crushed and administered a dose of mutagen, then she grabbed her own aid kit from her waist and started to tend the wounds. She took out bandages and medicine to clean the wound, and a lot of aid stuff she mentions. Shira and the others placed the three turtles on some pillows as they watched Tomoka do her work. Reika kept an eye on the three bodies as she felt their pulse. Their heart rate is getting slower and dropping fast. April didn't want her childhood pets to die. She's not ready for this.

Reika grabbed a syringe and injected the three souls with the mutagen. She hoped that those would work. "Guys, you're gonna be okay now.." she whispered, begging them to wake up. "Please be okay..."

"Okay," said Tomoka as she finished up with Splinter, "the mutagen is now entering his bloodstream." She exhaled in relief as she backed away. They waited for once for a while.

"Master Splinter?" Manako whispered, hoping that the wise master would wake.

"Nothing's happening," Raph muttered, turning to the girls.

"Why isn't it working yet?" Tomoka asked nervously.

The old rat's eyelids flutter weakly as they look. His tail was alert and he could barely speak. Shira sniffed the rat's body for any breathing. Leaning back, the sea turtle's eye grew wide with surprise. "He's alive," Shira gasped, although her sea turtle senses tell her that he is truly alive and well.

The others are so happy that he was okay as Splinter's strength returned. But this little happy moment didn't last long. "I'm sorry. This was all my fault," Shira told him, sadly.

"You were right. We weren't ready," said Raph. The rest of the sisters nod their heads in agreement and droop.

"No. It was I who wasn't ready to let you go," said Splinter. He started with some difficulty as his children gathered around. "All you needed was to discover that your true power lies in believing in one another."

Tmnt Half Heart Hero 2014Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora