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Alexis knew how she had practically declared war on Severus. But she didn't care. She didn't care what he thought.

She knew that she wasnt going to let him get away with all that he had done. He had embarrassed her. He made her look like an idiot. And he wasn't going to get away with it.

Alexis walked into the potions classroom and looked to him and smirked. Severus raised his eyebrows. "You know that you can't blackmail me. You are a child," he said.

Alexis looked to him and smirked. "You and I know that I am more than a child professor. To you anyway. You have already crossed a line with me. And nothing that you say or do will change that," she said as he walked over to her.

He grabbed her arm and looked to her. There was so much hatred and anger between them. "You're not in charge Malfoy," he spat.

"Say that again. And I will ruin you," she said as he pushed her against the wall.

The sexual tension between them was brewing. He leant in and kissed her. Alexis wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

He lifted her up onto his desk. She undid his belt and pulled him close as he ran his hands up her skirt as he pulled off her thong. He pulled her close and pushed into her. Making her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her causing her to moan in pleasure.


Alexis walked back into the common room. She looked to see Nova who was waiting for her. Nova smiled as she looked to her. Alexis groaned. "What?" She asked.

Nova smirked. "I don't know what you have been up too. But you're not only my cousin. But my best friend. Just promise me that whatever you are up to, that you will be careful," she said.

Alexis looked to her and smiled. "I promise. You don't need to worry about me. I can handle myself," she told her.

Nova nodded. "Oh I am aware. But Severus Snape isn't one to play games with. He will do whatever he has to get his own way. And to make sure he has power. The last thing I want is for him to cross you. That's all."

Alexis nodded. She smiled. "I get it. Are you okay? You seem off," she commented.

Nova shook her head. "I'm going to stay with my dad for a few days. You can't tell your mother. I'm pregnant and she can't know," she told her as she wiped away a tear.

Alexis pulled her close and hugged her. "It's going to be okay. I promise," she told her as she took her hand.


Alexis walked into her dorm and looked to see Narcissa and jumped. "Merlin! Mother! Are you trying to kill me off?" Alexis asked.

Narcissa turned to face her daughter and smiled. "Sorry darling. But this is important. It's your father. Something has happened to him," she told her daughter as Alexis frowned.

She couldn't help but worry about just what had happened. But was her father going to be okay?

Rewriting The Love {A Severus Snape Romance}Where stories live. Discover now