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School starting back up that Monday was the death of me, as well as the following week. Full of note taking and studying, along with running and working I seemed to be leading a busy life style. One without Dan and Ralph (who I had seen walking on campus).

Dan had slowly stopped coughing as days went past, but he hadn't begun singing at night, much to my dismay. He also hadn't stopped by to ask for more cough drops which made me a little sad when it shouldn't. I shouldn't be sad my friend doesn't come by. Emphasis on the friend, nothing more, no matter how perfect he is. His perfection completely towered over my defective self. So any chance for being anything more was impossible.


Walking out from a boring lecture on the importance of plot in a story, I only wanted to get home. I had a shift at work before the lecture and my day seemed to be dragging on.

My walk was soon stopped when in my path stood a few tall men, facing away from me and yelling cruel insults that could be heard from any direction. Deciding not to get in their way, I stepped into the grass to make a wide ark around the group. As I made my way around, I saw who they were so rudely yelling at. Dan.

Not believing my eyes, I stood and thanked god that the didn't see me as I listened.

"Your better off dead, Smith."

"You fat piece of shit, why are you still around? Nobody wants you, don't you see?"


Waiting for Dan to retaliate was useless as he just stared into their eyes. Me being to far away, couldn't tell what emotion they held. Hopefully not sadness, but anger at what they accused of his worth.

Say something back Daniel, defend yourself!

He was shoved around between the lot and that's when I couldn't take it any more, my legs disagreeing my mind and heart as I continued my walk home. Regret filled me, leaving him by himself, but part of me wanted to believe he would stand up for himself, and another just knew I would fuck up the situation even more.

Sorry, Daniel. Don't believe their words.

After twenty minutes in my haven, I heard the door slam next door, leading me to believe nothing good came from the confrontation I saw. Deciding to give him some space, I continued making my tea until I heard muffled noises almost sounding like sobs. That broke my heart.

I abandoned my drink and made my way out of my apartment. I knocked on his door, but with no response. The sobbing was more noticeable from out here, causing a lump to form in my throat. Why would anyone want to do this to poor Daniel? He is nothing but sweet and handsome.

After a few moments I began to grow more worried and banged my knuckles on the wood once more. Still no answer. Growing worried, I called out, "Daniel! It's me Jade!"

Minutes past before I decided to leave him be, figuring he wasn't in the mood for guests. As if proving me wrong, as I turned on my heel, the door squeaked open. Turning around I was met with a broken faced man, making my heart wrench.

"'Ello?" His voice rasped.

"Are you alright?"

He nodded, as if not trusting his voice. Causing me to speak up.

"I know what happened, it's okay to not be alright Dan." He nodded before a single tear slid down his face, and he did one thing I didn't expect. He hugged me, and began sobbing again.

I wrapped my arms around his hips, which were very high up compared to my small height, and let him fall apart. His head was nuzzled in my hair, which now was growing damp with his tears.

"Th-they're right.. I-I am p-pathetic."

"No no Daniel, you are far from pathetic, your strong okay?" I said rubbing my hands along his back.

I felt his head shake in a 'no' way and I sighed. How can someone so perfect be taught to hate them self so much. Staring over to where his arms were slung around me, I felt somewhat safe, even if I was the one doing the comforting.


Before long we were both resting on his couch, legs tangled and only blank stares on Dan's part. I had no idea what to say, so I just sat in silence, waiting for him to open up.

"M sorry for crying on you like that. It was in called for" he finally said, with an embarrassed demeanor.

"Don't apologize, I understand. Must be a lot going on, and it's alright to break down." He nodded and stared in his lap.

"They've done it since tenth year."

And that's when he opened up, not fully,but enough for me to feel the pain of his past and what still haunts him. Oh how it haunts him.

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