The Pensieve

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The very next day, after making a near miraculous recovery, Madam Pomfrey allowed me to leave the Hospital Wing. I had a secret visitor, Draco, while I was there that night. He scolded me, of course, for almost dying on him and he was helpless to do anything. I told him, as long as I'm Olivia Potter, I'll always be in danger. So, there will likely be plenty of time for him to help me out in the future.

Harry, picked me up and walked with me down to Hagrid's. We were meeting him, along with Ron and Hermione for a recovery party and a second task victory celebration, seeing as Cedric, Harry and I, were now tied for first place. I'd been cooped up for so long, or so it seemed, that I wanted to do anything but sit inside.

"Hey, Liv?" Harry asked curiously as we walked down the steps to Hagrid's.

"Hm?" I responded as my throat was still rather sore.

"I was just curious, but do you remember anything from when you were... out?" Harry asked, gulping while trying not to say near dead.

"Mmm. I don't think so... I mean, maybe something, why?" I asked curiously.

"It's just went you were... out... And Ron was giving you CPR. As soon as Ron got you breathing again. You, sort of, said something. Well, mumbled it. And I just didn't know if you knew or remembered." Harry shrugged.

"What did I say?" I grumbled quietly.

"You... sort of whimpered." Harry thought of how to explain it. "Ron. You whimpered his name the second he left you. As soon as you did, he moved right back and held your hand, calming you. You should have seen the smile that was on his face, Liv. I mean, we were all scared, but heck, I'd probably bet he was worse off then me. And I'm your brother, who was terrified. Dunno what I would have done if I lost you."

"Well, I'm here now and I don't plan on dying anytime soon. So, he, uh, heard me whimper his name? That's so embarrassing." I sighed.

"Eh, don't worry about it to much. I think he was just glad you wanted him over Krum." Harry chuckled and I shook my head.

We made it to Hagrid's and after I gave him a great, big hug, for scaring the devil out of him. Later through the night, we made our way through the woods. The sun was starting to set, the forest was dark, and a light fog set in.

"Now, I remember, I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfit's I ever set eyes on. Suppose ya, remind me of meself a little. And here we all are, four years later." Hagrid said happily.

"We're still a bunch of misfits." Ron chuckled.

"Well, maybe, but we've all got each other. Harry and Olivia, of course." Hagrid let out a big grin, as Harry and I walked a bit away from them. "Soon to be the youngest Triwizard Champions there's ever been! Hooray!" Hagrid yelled into the night air and laughed.

They began to sing the Hogwarts school song, and Harry and I walked along silently. Our scars began to burn and I grabbed Harry's hand to steady myself. He stopped with me, but I tugged on his hand and pointed out a bowler hat on the ground. We both groaned slightly, walked forward and around a tree before we saw feet. We moved closer to reveal the still body of Mr. Crouch.

"Mr. Crouch?" Harry called out.

"Hagrid!" I yelled out for him.

Hagrid came stomping over, with our friends right by his side. Hagrid hurried us back to the castle and later on Harry and I were summoned to Professor Dumbledore's office, since we'd discovered the body. Harry and I walked to Dumbledore's tower, a place we were most used to being by now. Going up the Griffin Statue, and walking towards the office door. Harry held back my sleeve for a moment as we heard voices.

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