Chapter 5: The Best Friends

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a/n: Thanks to all of you who waited two weeks! We've been pretty busy lately and we hope to get another chapter in next week. Within a month we'll be able to write much more and post weekly again. Thank you again and we hope you all enjoy the chapter!
~Allison & Faith

Luke's POV

My unsteady fist inched towards the door as I mentally prepared myself to knock. Since the pep talks weren't helping I familiarized myself with my surroundings instead: the cherry wooden floors beneath my tattered vans, the aroma of fresh paint coming from the neighbors front door, which made me wonder why there was an obvious chip in the paint already, and the overhead glass chandelier that flickered every so often. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought this apartment complex was an expensive hotel for aristocrats.

"Stop procrastinating, you're standing in front of your best friend's home like an idiot. Just knock on the door," I thought to myself. The funny thing is that the voice in my head didn't sound like my own, but hers. I knew I would never be able to forget Lily, nor did I want to. What I did want to do was only remember the good times we had together, and keep the last promise that I made to her.

I realized I was still standing in the hallway with my fist hovering over the door when without contemplating any further I tapped on it. Three times to be exact.

"Crap. There's no backing out now. Calum will open the door at any moment. I'm not ready for this much human interaction yet. Wow, I'm a horrible best friend for thinking this way."

The door swung wide open to reveal my best friend grinning widely. To my surprise he looked much shorter than he did eleven months ago, but then again, I think I shot up a couple inches myself.

"Luke! Man, I can't believe you're here! How are you doing? How's life been the past eleven months? Do you still play futbol without me? How's your mom? Oh, how's Li--"

"Woah dude, calm down you're starting to ramble. Most of what you asked me I couldn't even catch, you were talking so fast." Most...yeah there's a reason why I cut him off. I'll have to talk to him about her at some point, but not right now. He's bound to ask why I dropped everything to come here and why I have no definite plans of going back, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. "But yeah man I'm pretty good, it's fantastic to see you in person though, just like old times!" His smile grew even wider. "Yeah, just like old times."

He led me through the apartment for a quick tour. I was surprised by how large it was on the inside. Judging by the outside I figured the place would be pretty cramped and cozy, but it was huge. The hallway extended from the front door a solid twenty meters. Halfway down the hall and to the right was the kitchen, which was at least twice the size of my mine back in Sydney.

We entered his, or should I say our, bedroom and nothing about it surprised me. It was obvious that Calum lived in it. Band posters plastered the walls: Blink, Green Day, Aerosmith, Nirvana. I smile crept on my face while thinking about how his taste hasn't changed. I turned my attention to the left corner of the room to see the same worn mahogany bunk beds we had all our sleepovers in as kids.

"Wait. Calum. You still have the same bunk bed from when we were in year four..?" I questioned with a laugh and a weary tone.

"Well actually, I have been saving some money for the past month for a new one that would fit me more comfortably since, you know, my mom would never splurge that kind of money for no reason. Oh she's not home by the way, her and Mali are out shopping."

"It's cool, so..." There goes my tone again, "...I'll be sleeping on the top bunk?" It came out more or less as a question as I diverted my attention to the bed near the ceiling that was covered in dirty laundry and cluttered with old food wrappers.

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