Chapter 10: The Game

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A new chapter! Yay!!! Sorry it's been so long... school BUT we are so excited about our new ideas and plan on updating more in the next few weeks! We hope you love this chapter as much as we do! Also, please excuse any mistakes. We promise to edit them out later. :) ~Faith and Allison

Luke's POV

I jolted awake to the sound of Blink's "Even If She Falls" blaring in my ear. What the heck? Where is that coming from? Oh yeah, that's my ringtone.

Who is calling me at this hour? What time is it anyways?

I feel like I had just closed my eyes to go to bed and now it's already time to wake up and go to work. Yesterday Cal and Ashton's teasing subsided quickly after I bribed them with a pizza.

I ripped my phone off of the charger and brought it close to my face. The bright light caused me to squint and I couldn't bring myself to fully open my eyes. It felt like they were glued shut.

I used all of the energy I could gather to look at the device that was still blasting one of my favorite songs, but by the time I got around to looking at it, my phone had already gone to voicemail.

I rubbed my eyes until the words on the screen were no longer blurry.

"Missed call and voicemail from 'Mum'"

Oh no, I forgot all about the promise I made her that day in the airport. Sure, I left a couple of texts here and there, but I haven't called her once. And the award for Worst Son of the Year goes to...

I hesitantly brought my phone up to my ear, afraid to hear what she had said.

Is she mad I haven't called? Am I grounded? Wait, how would that work? Would she be crying? I really don't want to hear her cry because then I will cry and I'm trying to stop doing that so much.

I clicked play and took in a sharp breath.

"Hi Luke, it's mum!" Aww mum I missed your voice. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay." I'm trying to be mum, I really am. "You haven't kept your promise on calling me daily and it's been about two weeks." Has it really been that long? "Are you feeling better? Are you making friends? What have you and Cal done? Have you met his friends? I need a proper address to send you my Christmas gifts. Please pick up. I love you!" I love you too mum. So much.

I wiped my eyes and cleared my throat before dialing her number. She picked up after one ring. Oh mum, you were waiting by your phone weren't you? I smiled to myself at the thought.

"Luke is that you? Talk to me. I need to hear your voice. Please say something. Tell me that you're okay." She sniffled slightly.

"Mum, it's okay I'm here." My voice came out weaker than I expected. Luke, you need to be strong for her.

"Oh my gosh Luke I've been so worried about you," she said letting out a small gasp. "Is everything okay? I still need an address for your Christmas gifts. I even bou-"

"Christmas gifts? Mum, what are you talking about?"

"Luke Robert Hemmings do not interrupt me. You know I hate when you do that. And yes Christmas gifts; it is December sixteenth, you know?"

Is it December sixteenth already?

"Oh right, sorry mum. I haven't really been keeping up with time here. I'll text you the address later and don't worry your usual present from me will be in the mail soon."

"I look forward to yet another macaroni noodle framed photo of the two of us."

We laughed in unison.

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