Chapter 9: The Journal

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Bread stick bread stick
That is Luke
Bread stick bread stick
Makes me want to puke.

A/N: It's been a little over a month since Chapter 8 was posted which means it's been one month since our ROWYSO date! Thanks for keeping up with the story. Just a quick note, the italics are the character's thoughts. Enjoy!!!

~Allison & Faith

Brita's POV


Oh my gosh my journal!

Where did I leave it?!

This is bad. This is sooo bad.

What if someone finds it!?

Brita why did you have to draw that picture?? You idiot!

When I got back to the shop earlier today, my mother yelled at me for being the unwanted problem child that I am, but I wasn't listening. I ran up to my room, slammed the door, and proceeded to go into full panic mode. That was before he showed up. Alright, let me go back a bit...

I bolted up to my room and heaved a sigh of relief after getting another parental encounter over with. I never left a conversation with my parents feeling good about myself, since they always made it clear that I was a burden. Okay, okay. They never flat out said that to me, but they wouldn't treat me the way that they do if it wasn't the case. I collapsed onto my duvet and closed my eyes. I thought writing in the old journal could help release some of the tension that was building up inside of me. I rolled over lethargically to grab it off of my nightstand, it's usual spot, but all I felt was the ghost of the thing. Instead of it's worn cover, I felt a patch of smooth wood surrounded by dust.

My eyes snapped open as my entire body jolted up. I turned my head in the direction of the table to find that my prized possession was missing.

Okay Brita, deep breaths. Inhale, exhale. Where was the last place you had it?

I rushed downstairs to retrace my steps. I ran into the living room.

Mom's on the couch, oh she's still angry. Steer clear.

"Journal... journal... no that's not it.... journal... where the heck is my journal?!" The dynamic of my voice continued to grow the longer I searched.

"Brita, will you pipe down?" Mom. Ugh she won't understand.

I ran down the second flight of stairs, the one from the main hallway that connects to the shop, hoping to find it down there. I would sometimes forget it at the cash register after aimlessly doodling the random requests I got from day to day. I looked behind the counter and just my luck, it wasn't there. Just then the bell chimed from the door. It was mystery boy- I mean- Luke.

He was beyond awkward. Why did he have to be here right now? Doesn't he know I'm looking for my journal with a secret drawing of him in it?

Ugh why does he have to be so clueless?

"Umm... I think you left this at the beach..." He says softly while pulling my beloved journal from behind his back. Of course. Of freaking course.

What do I do? Why does HE have to have my journal? This is beyond embarrassing.

"What..." was all I could mutter breathlessly.

"Well I saw th-"

"Wait. You "saw" what? You "saw" me? You "saw" my journal? Were you watching me?"

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