Part 2

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I ripped through my closet and dresser, taking out any suitable piece of clothing I have. Which seems to be hardly any of them.

"None of this will do! Ugh!" I groan and flop down on my bed and a large pile of clothes.

I look at my alarm clock and 12:17 beeps up at me in red.

I jumped back up and continued digging. Pink.. Pink.. Pink..

Aha! I pull out a baby pink dress that my mom got me last Christmas. Though.. It looks terrible.

I hold it in front of me in my mirror and feel like gagging. Yeah, I like being able to be girly but this is baby on a whole new level.

I decide to bite the bullet and wear the dress. I pull a black shawl out of the pile and put it on. Okay, this isn't so bad.

12:40 taunts me from my clock and I squeel, grabbing black flats and running to my mirror again to apply my make up and brush my hair.

I hear the doorbell and groan loudly. Of course he's early!

I dash for the bathroom and brush my teeth as fast as I can manage without spilling toothpaste on my outfit.

I rinse my mouth and almost tumble while running down the stairs to the door. I stop and straighten my outfit before opening the door.

The boy outside the door is obviously not Tadase. I look at black jeans, a white (slightly unbuttoned) collared shirt, a black jacket, warm blue eyes and a head of long blue hair. Hot holly comoli, this guys going to be the death of me.

"Well, isn't this a sight to see." He smirks and my face heats up instantly. Then he frowns, "You're wearing pink because of what Tadase said yesterday, aren't you?"

"N-no! Wait, that's non of your business Ikuto." I glare up at him.

He puts his hand on the door frame and leans down slightly, "Do you even like the dress?"

"Yes." I lie.

He leans down closer but I stand my ground and cross my arms.

"You really shouldn't lie Amu, it's not cute at all." I roll my eyes at him and shift because the distance between us has become quite slim. "You shouldn't change yourself to get someone to like you. Especially since you have someone here who likes you the way you are."

My heart skips a beat, no, multiple beats. His blue eyes get closer before he backs away smoothly. Turning away from me, he reveals a gaping Tadase behind him.

My jaw drops, "I swear to god it's not what it looks like!"

"Um, yeah." He replies looking between Ikuto and I.

"Oh, it is exactly what it lo-"

I push Ikuto and shut my door, walking towards Tadase. I motion for us to leave and he hesitates before leading me away.

I couldn't help but take one more look at Ikuto. He still leant against my door and had a disappointed look all over his face. My heart throbbed.

I saw Tadase look at me from the corner of my eye and I quickly looked away from Ikuto. We silently walked and it was awkard as hell. We eventually stopped in front of a small shop and went in, sitting down at a small table.

"So, how has your morning been?" I ask between sips of a glass of water I ordered.

He clears his throat and runs his hand through his blond hair, "Not too bad."

We sat sipping our drinks in awkward silence. Well isn't this just peachy.


I jump slightly at the suddenness of his voice. "Yep?" I popp the "p" and attempt to smile threw my nervousness.

He scratches the back of his head with a worried expression, I rise my eyebrows.

"Do you like Ikuto?"

"Well, yeah. He's great in his own weird, mean .. way.." I trail off and stare at nothing in particular while confusing myself with how to describe him.

"Oh." He states and visually slumps in the chair, frowning.

Huh? Why would that upset him? Well, I know they don't have a very good past but it shouldn't be an issue if Ikuto's my friend. He is so.. of course I like-

My face burnt fifty shades of red, "Oh my mother of charas! No, no, no, no, no and no! He's a friend! I like him but not as in like like or the way I like Tad-" I covered my face, forcing myself to stop blubbering nonsense that'll just make me look worse.

He starts laughing. Laughing! He covers his mouth and shuts his eyelids together tight as his shoulders shake from his fail of hiding his laughter.

"Ha, ha, ha. Reeaal funny." I roll my eyes and he looks back up at me smiling and wiping away a couple tears.

"You should work on stopping, instead of rambling like that Amu." He laughs again. I look away in embarrassment. I feel like diving away into a sink hole and never showing my face ever again.

"Okay, I thought so. That's great that you don't like him." He spoke and then had a panicked look splash over his face.

"Why? Why couldn't I like him?" I sat in front of Tadase, clutching my glass.

"He's rude, mean, a lier, he would just play you and he's like a couple years older then us!" He spoke off the top of his head like he rehersed it.

I felt a little hurt by how harsh his words were. I just sat there and blinked a few dozen times confused by the anger building inside of me.

"I don't see why age would matter or anything for that matter.."

He laughs awkwardly and asks me what I'd like to eat.

We sat for maybe another hour or so and made small chat. Mainly about the charas and council work. I got bored insanely quick wishing he'd just try to keep a conversation with me that was about something else. Anything else!

We split an amazing turkey and ham sandwich and didn't stay too long after eating before heading back to our houses.

"I should walk you."

"No, please." I put my hands up and shook them.

"Really, its getting late."

"I can take care of myself! Goodnight Tadase-kun."

I saw his hesitation but I turned and left before he'd change his mind and follow me.

My hands won't stop shaking and I feel completely idiotic. I'm pretty sure I messed up that whole date!

"Hey cutie." A deep masculine voice made me jump from behind me. My heart beat got really loud. Run Amu Run!

I stepped to sprint away and a large hand got ahold of my shawl and yanked me back. I started to scream but another hand clasped over my mouth.

A low chuckle ubrupted from the man as he yanked me back into the alleyway next to us.

He let go for a slit second when I elbowed him in the gut and I screamed the first word to come to my mind.


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