TRF (2)

620 14 2

3rd Person

(Y/N) and Cade are on their knees, hands in the air. TRF soldiers surround them, guns raised, fingers ready to pull triggers.

"It's over. Help yourselves out here. Where are the others? The ones you're hiding." Santos walks in front of the two.

"I don't sell out friends." Cade says.

"And I don't sell out family." (Y/N) looks up at Santos.

"Friends? This is an invasion. One day we wake up, they're in charge." Santos bends down to their height, trying to emphasise his shitty words.

"They just keep falling out of the sky. Something's coming, and you can't shoot you're way out of it." Cade says.

Revving is heard from a short distance as a yellow and black muscle car races to the location of Cade and (Y/N). Bullets begin to unload and shells hit the ground as Bee takes a skidded turn. After transforming out of vehicular form, his body dissembles and falls apart.

Santos stops Bee's head under his foot. (Y/N) and Cade look around. (Y/N) tries to hide the smirk on their face.

"What was that?" Santos looks at (Y/N).

Laughing, (Y/N) looks up at him. "That was a mistake."

Bee's eye re-enters it's socket and his mouth latches onto Santos's leg, causing his to groan in pain. Piece by piece, Bee's body brings itself together, destroying everything along the way. Cade lifts up one of Bee's wings, AKA the car door, and smashes it over Santos's head, causing the glass to shatter. (Y/N) and Cade duck as Bee finishes piecing himself together.

With Santos still tightly gripped in the detached piece of Bee's mouth, Bee lifts his head to attach it to his body.

"Next time you shoot somebody, don't go beat ''em till you're sure they're dead." Bee says as Santos yells.

"Put the weapon down trust me!" Cade yells, looking between the remaining soldiers and Bee. "Easy Bee, easy." Santos falls to the ground with a girlish scream (there's nothing wrong with that).

Bee pushes his blaster to Santos's chest. "Ill burn you so bad you'll wish you'd died as a child."

(Y/N) was a bit taken aback. Bee never spoke like that unless he was angry with Crosshairs or Drift.

"Shoot them!" Santos yells.

Cade pulls the blaster from his jacket and (Y/N) pulls the handgun from their jeans, both of them hold them at Santos.

"You'll be dead before I hit the ground." Cade threatens.

After a few seconds of of Santos trying to rile Bee up into shooting him, a voice rings out to him. "Don't do it Bee! Hold your fire! Hold it!" (Y/N) turns their head to see Commander Lennox. "You two! Drop it!"

"I'm not dropping shit." Cade says, not taking his eyes off Santos.

"Hey. The military doesn't want it this way Bee, you gotta believe that! It's a new world order now and these guys are calling the shots." Lennox is looking at Bee.

"All they want us a home and you know it." Cade says. "You push them and they push right back."

"You lot don't even give them a way off, you just fucking kill them or take them for science." (Y/N) holds their gun steady.

"Hound's in town." Metal hisses as Hound transforms out of vehicular mode, raising a machine gun at the ready. "Love starting the day off with a gun fight. Sorry I'm late, my invitation to this ass kicking must've got lost in the mail!"

(Y/N) always thought Hound could be on the dramatic side sometimes. "Me and my crew are rolling out of here. Let's go, they're not gonna touch us." Lowering their guns, Cade and (Y/N) walk back to the ATV, driving behind Bee and Hound.

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