It's Just some Old Stick (8)

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3rd Person POV

The three humans and transformer stand at the front of the submarine, admiring the alien ship ahead of them. Marine life blooms around it, and a light blue aura emits from the vessels core. The submarine enters an area of the ship while it powers up, lights sparking up and machinery moving.

As they reach an area where there's breathable oxygen, the humans prepare to exit the sub.


I open the hatch and climb the ladder to the top of the sub, glancing around my surroundings before helping Cade and Viviane out. Viviane is the first to jump into the water, and I follow behind by sliding down the side. The water reaches my waist and suddenly Bee pushes Cogman into the water.

"Now you're both on my shit list." He says as his head barely bobs along the surface.

I sling my blaster from my back and hold it ready as we walk along. Finally we end up out of the water. Our path is defined, but it's too small for Bee, so I tell him to find another way around. He doesn't like the idea much. Working our way through the maze like structure, Viviane begins to speak.

"I'm reluctant to say this, you know. But I think that you're brave Cade." She says.

"What about me? You and Cade ain't the only people that jumped off the fucking submarine." Cade chuckles. 

We climb down the ropes and into an isle of transformer knights. "It's a tomb." Cade states.

"We'll no fucking shit Sherlock." I mutter. I walk ahead of them all as Viviane rambles on with her history and textbook knowledge. Viviane touches something and the room rearranges, bringing up a coffin.

"It means no one shall have it." Viviane states as she reads the inscription.

"We came all this way and you're not gonna open it?" Cade asks.

"Of course I'm going to open it." She retaliates.

"Hurry up then, let's get this all over and done with." I say, getting ready to push the lid off. Within the grip of Merlin is a fancy looking stick. Cade rages on in shock and annoyance. I walk around aimlessly looking for something that might actually be the staff.

Cade is thrown off of a transformer who throws swords our way. Grabbing my blaster, i shoot the transformer, but it only does something when I hear Lennox screaming to a team. Lennox corners Viviane before Cade or I can get to her. She holds the staff over the side. It goes back and forth between everyone.

Chaos erupts behind us as more transformers rise.


They chant. But suddenly it goes silent, a sword plunging through the back of the closest. When it falls limp, we go still with shock.

"I've come for that staff."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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