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You were happily looking at your son after he finished playing basketball with his father. He waspanting heavily but the joy in his eyes were very evident.

On the other hand, Yoongi was also flashing his gummy smile to his son as he proudly looked at him. At such a young age, little Yoomin was already very good at basketball that Yoongi couldn't help but feel so proud of him.

As you watched them, Yoongi'sphone suddenly rang and he picked it up immediately. He nodded a fewtimes and muttered something before putting his phone down.

"Hey, Min. Daddy has to go to work now," he told the kid sadly. The child looked up at him, looking gloomy as he nodded.

With a heavy sigh, Yoongi kissed the top of Yoomin's head before standing up to freshen up.

"Yoongi," you called his name as he walked in front of you and he immediately paused, looking at you with wide eyes. He probably hadn't noticed that you were there. He'dbeen like these past few months.He'd been so absorbed in his work that he was slowly losing time with his family: first, with you - now, also with his son.

"Oh, honey. Yes?" he looked at you with a smile.

"Well, uhm... I just want you to know that... uh... your son is sad that you are leaving today." Yoongi glanced at his boy, who was busy playing with his robots, as you said those words before looking at you again.

"I know. And I am also sad to leave him. We are having a fun time." You just stared at Yoongi as he spoke.You wanted to tell him that you don't want him to go, even if just for today, but you know how important his work was for him. You just couldn't ask him to neglect it for you.

"I just want you to know that," you said while looking at Yoomin.

"I understand. I have to go now, Y/N," he said. You nodded, still not looking at him.

The day passed by with just you and Yoomin playing. Yoomin kept on asking you when his father was coming back so you had to distract him even more. You don't want Yoomin to feel neglected like you. You want to cover up for Yoongi's absence because you know he wouldn't leave if he didn't have to.

Finally, the day ended. You tucked Yoomin to bed, whispering a promise that tomorrow, his father would be back to play with him again while you secretly prayed for it to be true.

After Yoomin fell asleep, you, too, went to your own room to sleep. As you slept, you half woke up to the gentle touch of someone pulling you against his embrace, the familiar warmth and scent of Yoongi enveloping you. You heard him sing softly in your ears, making you drift more peacefully to sleep.

You woke up the next morning to the scent of delicious food enveloping your senses. You slowly opened your eyes and saw Yoongi walking towards you, gummy smile plastered on his face, a tray of delicious looking pancake in his hands.

"Good morning, sleepy head," he greeted you as soon as he saw you awake.

You smiled unconciously as you tried to sit up.

"Morning. What's the occassion?" You wondered outloud as he placed the tray in front of you.

"Nothing. I just want to spend some time with my family, especially with my very beautiful wife." He winked at you and you couldn't help but blush at the unexpected compliment.

"Well, aren't you going to be late for your practice or something?" you asked as you slowly chewed your food.

"I called a day-off for today." You did a double-take and stareddumbfounded at Yoongi. He just stood there as you gaped, grinning.

"What? Why?" you whispered.

"I uh... I thought about what you told me yesterday. About Yoomin being sad about me leaving. I just realized that I have been neglecting my family for a long time now and I don't want that . "

Yoongi's words touched your heart so much that you felt a tear slid down your face.

"Hey. Why are you crying?" Yoongi asked as he went on your side, wipinh away your tear with hiwthumb.

"I just... I didn't expect this from you. I know how much you love your job and - "

" Shhh..." Yoongi whispered. "I love my job. But I love my family more.Keep that in mind, okay?" he said before kissing your lips gently.

You nodded then chuckled. "I think Yoomin will be very happy to hear this news . "

" Oh, he will be. After I'm done with you," Yoongi said before pushing you gently down the bed.

- End

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