23: Tantrum

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Jungkook rubbed his red ear while crying loudly in his bedroom. His tears fell constantly on the white bedsheet that was spread on his bed.

Why doesn't she understand?
It's annoying. It's frustrating.

Out of anger, self-pity, self-hatred for being a coward and not standing up to himself and sadness, the boy started to scream his lungs out while gripping his silky locks.

His eyes stung.
His tears flowed down his res cheeks uncontrollably.

He started to bang his hands on the headboard of the bed hard. And after a few minutes of banging, his attention went to the things in his bedroom.

Mrs Jeon, who was sitting in the library after giving her son a good scolding for his behaviour, was reading a book when she heard loud crashes coming from Jungkook's room.

She waited for some more time, trying to bear the loud noises that came from the boy's room that would end up making her deaf. She had that the noise would go down eventually. But there was no sign of such a thing.

Jungkook had other plans in his mind. He started to throw everything that is within his reach.

His books were thrown out of the window.

With Jungkook screaming and throwing things around as if his screw has gone loose, Mrs Jeon couldn't take it anymore. She marched to his bedroom; with every single step she took towards his bedroom, the noise got louder and louder.

Before she could turn the silver door handle of Jungkook's bedroom, a loud sound of glass breaking was heard.

"Nooooo!!!! Tukiii!!!!"



I apologise for not updating for a long time.

I'm still not sure where this story is heading because this still doesn't have a specific plot. ;-;
This is the only book I wrote without any proper planning.

How is this chapter?

What do you think is the glass that broke?

What will Jungkook do next?

What will Mrs Jeon do?

Will Jungkook get back his lost wallet that he didn't know that is lost from Jimin?

Don't forget to vote and comment, because you look adorable when you do it.

I purple you

Chenuli (Coco)

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