Chapter 11: Behind all the Rain and Dark Clouds

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In Aquarius' Point of View

"What will we do while we wait for them to come back?" Taurus asked, trying to catch a glimpse of the three who set off.

I squinted my eyes. I could see Libra activating her wings and flying, but she couldn't fly with wet wings. Cancer tried to manipulate the rain, Pisces helping her, but it ended up in vain. There was magic surrounding The Concealed Museum, which I guess was what makes it concealed and secret.

I saw Capricorn itching to go after them, but it might just draw attention. That boy and I are the quieter ones of the group. Maybe Cancer and Scorpio as well, but they were more mysterious than quiet. Still, they had emotions. Master made sure that I didn't have any.


"Good morning."

"Good morning, Aquarius! Hmm? Why do you look so sad and serious? Have you gotten ill or anything? Maybe I have the cure back here, just tell me what's going on."

I looked up at the store owner back up in the sky. She sent me a sympathetic look and rummaged through her drawers. "A cold, maybe?" she asked again. I shook my head.

"I can't feel anything." This was true. Before, when I saw the candies in one shelf of her store, I jumped up and down while laughing, trying to grab the sour ones at the very top. But now, I just looked at it and took it, leaving the store and paying without even a word. "But it's for my own good."


I looked at Leo and Gemini. Both of them were very energetic, and along with Pisces, were the cheerier ones, in different ways. Sagittarius joked around and asked if I liked one of them. I shook my head. I wasn't allowed to feel.

Right now, I could only think of the two of them. Maybe Sagittarius was right? I felt a glimmer of hope, but it died out when I saw Cancer, Pisces, and Libra disappear into the fog.

"We'll go after them," I said straightly and suddenly, grabbing Leo's and Gemini's hand. "And the rest can explore the other museums." I added. I didn't notice the two girls blush when my hands brushed against theirs. But what other way could I get their attention? Pull their hair?

Besides, I needed their powers. Wind and fire will distract the guards if my plan was executed carefully, and every detail played exactly as I wanted it to. Or I could just freeze the guards and Pisces, Cancer, and Libra could escape unnoticed.

But they'll still be able to see, so who knows?


"You're my friend, but sometimes I wish you had a different crush," Gemini suddenly said. She slapped her mouth. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that!"

"Sometimes I wish you would stay away from him as well," Leo admitted, not meeting Gemini's eyes. I didn't know a clue what they were talking about, but I couldn't help but blurt out, "Sometimes I wish I had emotions."

"Something about La Musée Dissimulé is making us say these things!" Leo exclaimed. I put a finger to her lips. "Ssh! The guards will hear you."

I could tell Gemini wanted to shout as well, so I pat her head. "Please, for goodness' sake."

I examined the site. Gemini and I could part the fog and Leo can make the fog evaporate. I was about to put the plan into action when I caught sight of The Concealed Museum. It glowed the brightest gold that I ever saw. I think it was a bit brighter than even Proxima, and that's saying something.

Leo looked at me with a questioning glance. "It's like him, don't you think so, my friend?" she asked Gemini, who nodded, "I was thinking the same thing!" she whisper-shouted.

I looked at them and raised my eyebrow. "Uh... okay then..."


The three of us headed back to the sidewalk. "I think that we should search for something else to do while we're here," I said.

"Maybe we should just wait for them in the Inn--"

"We're back!" Pisces' voice said, and the three figures emerged from the fog and rain, all soaking wet.

"Sorry we rushed off before grabbing an umbrella," Cancer apologized. "But we figured something out about the items."


We came back to the Inn and examined Pisces' item. I put it beside Cancer's item. "What have you observed?" I asked them.

"See for yourself." Cancer said, touching the very tip of his sword. It glowed a bright orange and flowed with blue water all around it. It was like bringing it back to life. And when Pisces touched her wand, it glowed light blue and was like a stick of water. My eyes sparkled and I felt a little burst of excitement when I found saw the items glow.

I looked at Leo and saw that she was feeling the same way. I glanced at the others, all of them seemed to be mesmerized by the display of colors that the items expressed. They all said their compliments.


"It's so pretty!"

"The colors look so good together!"

"It matches how your personalities are."

"He's right."

I took my time in observing the items. They really were spectacular, as Leo said. I silently wished that mine was as amazing. Amazing...

"They're amazing!" I exclaimed, feeling drawn to the items. The eleven gasped. I think they were all surprised at how I felt excitement and wonder, but I was too caught in the moment. I managed to shake off the feeling. "That's cool, Pisces, Cancer. Like Scorpio said, it matches how your personalities are." I said, my voice in its usual monotone.

I think we might find Scorpio's item next, since we already found the first two water signs' items... I thought. Something about The Concealed Museum made me realize something. All the rain and fog surrounding the museum makes it look gray and sad, but it's only the shield that protects it. On the very inside, it glows gold and is beautiful and happy.

Maybe I'm only thinking of myself when I say this... but I hope that's what I am on the inside. That behind all the rain and gray clouds that surround me, I'm nice.

I hope so.

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