^^~Chapter One~^^ ♡

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(TW'S:: violence, sexual implication, blood)

~~First period, 8:30~~
With a small jump, you woke up in the middle of math class

"Head up, y/n" said the teacher, smugly. You groan and go back to sleep because Math sucks.

{Time skip bc y/n is asleep}
You woke up again by your friend, Kaede, hitting you with a book. "Ow the hell-?" You say in an annoyed tone, kaede only snickers. "Cmon and get up, I saw the school freakshows go to P.E~!" "Ohhh, so you wanna rock their shit?" You snicker. "Hell yeah-! Just let me get Kaito too because he'd love this aswell" the two of you, known as this school's bitches (A/N: not in a quirky way, in the rude ass way) simply walked down the hall to P.E, most people staying out of your ways to avoid being attacked, or drug into drama.

"HEY KAITOOO~" Kaede yelled across the gym, he was standing in a shady part, hanging out with your boyfriend, rantaro. (Ooo plot twist~) kaede ran up to Kaito, and they proceeded to play fight in your guys' corner of the gym. You simply gave Rantaro a soft smile as he hugged you, arms around your waist, and stood like that for a moment. "Eww get a room ya lovebirds" groaned Kaito, fake-gagging. You hold back a small laugh as rantaro gives Kaito a cold stare, going back to half holding you now, one hand on his phone behind you. You notice something behind you made him have a small blush.. The phone maybe? You payed no attention to that little detail as you simply stand there. So, when yall are done putting on a show- Kaito half finished.

"Eheh.. hi Y/N..~" a semi-familiar voice cooed from behind you.

rantaro seemed to pay no attention to that as he was now content on texting someone on his phone. You twist your neck back a bit to see what's behind you, and it's the strange bluenette blushing a storm, and his eyes fixed on your monokuma keychain on your backpack.

"GET THAT LITTLE TWERP!" yelled Kaito, tackling shuichi to the ground, knocking air out of him and a small squeak. Stifling a mocking laugh, your blood soon runs out of your face. Even having just been tackled and now being beaten by Kaito and now Kaede. he had fixed his gaze right onto yours, his amber-gold eyes staring into yours, for a brief moment he still had his lovesick grin staring into your eyes, until Kaito kicked him hard enough he passed out. You shudder at how... creepy? You wouldn't say creepy.. you cant describe the feeling he made you feel just then. "Uh.. babe I need to go now bye." Rantaro rushed, leaving the gym in a hurried manner, giving you a familiar sense of abandonment. It certainly wasnt the first time he's done this, but you never really minded it. Sometimes he made it up in.. his own way. Kaito and kaede laughed over blue haired boys crumpled body, and left the room to go to next period. "Ya comin' Y/N?" "Yeah, in a second." You replied to Kaito, staring at the boy on the ground, and then moving on. From the corner of tour eye, you saw another "blacklisted" school student, a rather raggedy looking purple haired boy. You walked out of the gym with your arms behind your head. (Kokichi style)

~~9:00 third period~~
You didn't have any friends in this period, so you usually stayed in the back of the room, listening to music on your headphones. Surprisingly enough. You now noticed the bluenette had the same third period as you. You gave a lazy side-glance, as you noticed he seemed to be staring at you creepily again. "Urgh that freak.." you said in your mind with a heavy sigh, turning up your music in an attempt to erase his piercing amber eyes from your memory and thoughts. You glance over again and actually see him for once. Spiky-looking blue hair, those.. eyes. A bit of dried blood that had fell out of his nose and mouth, a black eye, and that same, disgusting lovesick look on his face. You nearly puked as you realized your face burned the tiniest of bits, probably because this creep-ass was making eye contact with you from across the room. You flip him off, and proceed to go back to listening to your music.

~timeskip like 1 hour later~

You were busy doodling on a paper silently, and you notice it's lunch time as the clock hits "10:00" lunch was usualy followed by community services, so you had 2 hours to to your own thing. You grab your bag, go to the door to leave, and shove the blue haired creep out of your way and onto the floor, and go to the cafeteria.

~~10:10, cafeteria~~
You stalk up to your table with Kaito, rantaro, Miu, and kaede. You stalk behind kaede, and scare her. That gets you nearly punched in the face, but you swiftly dodge her hand. "THE HELL Y/N-!?" she screams in surprise, you simply laugh at her and go sit with your boyfriend, rantaro. He pulls you onto his lap and buries his face in the back of your neck, making painfully obvious fake sleeping noises while holding your waist in a tight hug as usual. (Emetephobia warning here) This time Kaito actually throws up, probably made himself do it as he hates pda. You and kaede both go hysterical laughing and Miu rolls her eyes, she was the goody-two-shoes, she was only here because kaede liked her. (Once again pregame are the opposite of ingames so jsgqj) Rantaro had no reaction, only possibly actually sleeping now, or getting better at his horrible impressions. Not much else happened within the lunch hour. Mostly mocking people, scrolling through social media, and random conversations.

~~11:00, community hour~~
Normally now would be the time people clean up the school and around the school, but usually you and your gang snuck off to town during this. Everyone else was busy, so you went to town alone.. or so you thought. As you went to your local convenience store to get your favorite soda, (A/N: pineapple soda hell yeah) you turned apparently too suddenly and was greeted by the blue haired boy, apparently stalking you the whole time. "what the hell man-?!" You yell at him, tired of seeing him so much today. "Wh-what? I was getting... soda.." he quickly turned around and grabbed a soda from the shelf, it being the same as you chose. "FREAK STOP FOLLOWING ME." you screamed at him, very tired of seeing him and dealing with this creeplord.

"I have a name yknow.. shuichi saihara."

He introduced himself as if you two have never met; formally, at least. "OK then shuichi, stop following me weirdo." You scoff, tuck the soda into your bag unnoticed, and leave the store. Shuichi unsurprisingly followed you, acting and looking like a sad, lost, puppy. You try your damnest to ignore him, but you turn around and get ready to deck him in the face, but just then a quick blur of a person jumped out of a shady car, held you back, and covered your lower face with an odd smelling rag. You buck around, trying to free yourself, and the last thing you see is the same thing happening to.. shinichi? (A/N: Y/N you dumbass) except he passed out much faster.

And then.. nothing but darkness flooded your vision.

(1285 words)

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