~•Chapter 4•~ ♤

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The Grassy hallway confused you a bit,
letting you see the cracked walls and abandonment of this building even more. While wandering, you came across a boy that seemed feverishly familiar.. green hair and strange, comforting eyes.

"Oh.. are you lost?" The tall boy replied to your confusion, seeming to have a small glint of recognization in his eyes of you, but he made no movements that signified it

"Uh- yeah kinda..-" you mutter, shaking away the feeling of familiarity.

"Ah well, my names Rantaro Amami. What's yours?"

That name jabbed another knife of familiarty into your heart, something felt so off, yet you still couldn't place it. "Ah, my names (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you Amami." You reply in a dazed state, pondering who this guy was.

"Ah well.. im gonna go scope out this place, bye (L/n)~" and then he walked away. (A/n: and the duck walked away waddle waddle waddle)

~skip to after you've explored the school~

You sigh a bit, now somehow have runned into a good bit of people here, and you've became friends with the Amami boy.

"soo, what's your ultimate?" Amami questioned lighty, having a small laugh" at the end of it. "Oh right- I'm the ultimate (talent)-. What's yours?" He sighed and shook his head slightly. I.. am uncertain of that right now. *chuckle* maybe when I remeber it... I'll tell you. Amami grined softly at you, and something within you felt softened, what were you thinking?? You had just met this boy.. yet some deep feeling made you connected to him.

"Hey, are you good?" He poked you in the forehead softly, chuckling slightly as you snap back into reality. "O-oh.. hehe yepp-" "well, the clock makes it seem as if it's late.." Amami said, in a softish tone (A/N: it's like 8:53 there btw)

"Would.. you like for me to walk you to the dorms? I'm gonna go rest." You look at the clock in a sudden confusion, and back to Amami in an air of realization "Oh- yes please if that's okay-" He nods his head in understanding, gently grabs your hand, and walks you back the dorm area.

~After like 2 minutes of walking to dorms~

"Well, here we are, partner. *chuckle*" "partner? Since when did you sound so southern~" you tease him a bit over the random accent and word choice, and proceed to have a slight notice on something. "Oh, we're neighbors? Interesting-" you Point out the fact, Amami only looks and nods a bit. "Yuppp- anyways I'm gonna sleep now..-" he turns to you a bit, and gently hugs you. That feeling of familiarty digs into your stomach and heart again, making you confused again. Nevertheless, you hug him back.

"I'm not sure what it is that makes me feel this way.. but I swear (L/n), I will protect you. As long as I can."

He whispered that to you, as if he wanted nobody else to hear, let you go, and walked back into his dorm room. "So.. he does feel the same way." You thought to yourself, standing with your face uncontrollably burning in the dark. You rush into your dorm room, (hope)ing and wishing that nobody had seen you turn beet red in that old hallway.

~After you go to sleep bc ur exhausted and wake up~

With a small groan, you flutter your eyes up groggily, and you're met with a bland ceiling, propping yourself up on your elbows, you look around a bit dazed. "Huh..? It.. wasnt a dream?" You think a bit concerned now, suddenly regaining your memory. "Killing game . . . Amami..?" He breaks your thoughts, and you rush to get dressed, overthinking what you just remebered.

~timeskip to after ur done getting dressed and you skedaddled to the cafeteria I'm lazy~

You had a wave of relief rush over you, as you walked into the cafeteria-like area, you had seen Amami just eating some cereal, talking to Tojo.

"Ah.. hello Amami-!" You say, sitting next to him. He looks at you, spoon hanging out of his mouth, he gives you a dorky smile, and goes back to talking to Tojo.

You decide to become more aware of where you are, and notice the two you originally ended up here with. Saihara was speaking to Akamatsu, and She seemed to be content and happy with the boy, while he seemed like a nervous, shaky wreck. You couldn't help but feel a bit of pity for the Shy dude.

~timeskip past breakfast~ (I'm lazy)

You place your dish in the sink, washing it, and placing it back in a shelf. You turn to leave, but you're met with Amami seemingly wandering around again.

"Eheh.. didn't expect to see ya here, pardner."

"...you suddenly seem very southern." You reply to his statement, with a slight chuckle.

As he places his dishes in the sink, you're suddenly caught up by a thought of yesterday.

"Sooo.. ah- what was that about yesterday?"
"Well.. the whole "protect you as long as I can" thing-.."
"Well. I wasn't lying yknow."
"But... why? We just met."
"Well. Even if that is so I have this feeling I've seen you somewhere before. Some part of me has this odd feeling.. but that doesn't really matter."

After the small conversation between you to, he gave a small shrug. "Who knows, I just feel like you're important to me somehow." You became flustered slightly at his words.

"Ah.. I se-" DING DONG.

Mid sentence, a loud ringing goes off, and monokuma pops up in the middle of the room

"HEY!! Y'ALL NEED TO START KILLING SOMETIME SOON!!" The bear yelled in an annoying voice. "What happens if we dont!" Akamatsu yelled in a slightly defiant tone. "Upupupu~ YOULL ALL DIE!!" The bear yelled out, changing the warm aura that was once there into a ghastly, cold feeling that crept up everyone's spines. "Until a body is discovered, all of yalls lives are on a clock! SO GET TO KILLING ALREADY!!" And with that, the bear disappeared.


Word count :: 1030


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