~~●•Chapter 3•●~~ ♡♤

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"Puhuhu~~ Rise And Shine Ursine!!"

Wha... you stare in confusion. How could something that was so dangerous.. have such cute bears..?

You stared in a dazed state, still trying to figure out what the fuck is happening..
(A/N: yn staring is rude ]:<)

A loud and clear "WHAT THE FUCK?!" broke the icy silence. You quickly turned your head (somehow) to see a very pissed off Kaito. "THE HELL'S THE MEANIN' OF THIS?!" he shouted in an angry tone, causing one of the stuffed bears to roll its beady black eyes.



One of the bears, a pink one, seemingly yelled out "papa!" At the sound of some odd laughter. You turn to face the annoying laugh, and see a monochrome bear seemingly appear out of nowhere.

~timeskip past the introduction thing bc i have the memory of a goldfish~

"upupupu~ This.. Is a killing game!!" Gleamed that black and white build a bear reject. A very sudden and cold rush of tense air filled the rotting and falling room. A... killing.. g-game..? Miu sputtered out, seeming shaky as if she were about to fall over and pass out.

"Yeeeessss! You may kill anyone anyway you want! Hanging, stabbing, poisoning. Bludgeoning, electrocuting, any way you could possibly think of!" A harsh, bitter, yet happy tone erupted from the sharp grin of the bear.. that acclaimed its name as "Monokuma".

"DO YA FUCKING THINK WE'D ACTUALLY KILL SOMEONE YOU DUMBASS BEAR?!" Kaito shouted again, making yet another scene. "YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU KIDDNAPPED US LIKE A FUCKIN' FREAK WE'LL BEND TO YOUR WILL-?! ABSOLUTELY-FUCKIN-NOT." Kaito was very pissed off now, you turned your head away at the akward air you seemed to only take notice of. "Upupu~ so interesting!" Before Kaito could harrass the bear like he seemed he was about to, one of the Giant robotic Beasts stood in his way, and he promptly backed off.

"Welllll, ... ya suckers look boring-! Why not have some actual good looks to ya sad sacks!" Monokuma laughed yet again.

~another small skip bc eughsgsh just imagine ur oc having a magical girl transformation into their SHSL ult~

You felt eerily light-headed at the oncoming situation. You had just suddenly somehow been changed into.. this.. outfit? It seems to resemble whatever that demented bear mentioned.. an ultimate?

"So ya seeeeee.... your allllllls a part of this magnificent game now!!" Monokuma let out another weird sounding giggle, as the smaller "monokub" things that apperently were his children crowded around him in awe. (A/N: I REFUSE TO DETAIL THE LICKING SCENE IT MADE ME UNCOMFYYYWHSBSH)

With that out of the way, you finally glanced around at the room. It had been maybe only a minute as all of that had happened. Everyone seemed scared, confused, or in disbelief. Your boyfriend was one of the people who seemed to not care, as he was joking around with.. this person? With long hair. You were unsure about the tall green person's gender.. but you left them alone as the persons viper-like gold eyes scared you a bit.

[Ehh.. looks like he's busy.. maybe ill.. explore a bit?] (But guess what lol)

Before you could do anything, a familiar black fog entered your head again, and the cracked world you saw disappeared seemingly instantly.




You groaned a bit, stretched, and finally came into realization of where you are.. kinda.

"What the...?"

You moved your body a bit, squirming as you tried to feel around this dark Cold place you were in. The scent of metal and rust filled your lungs as you inhaled deeply, trying to calm yourself of an oncoming panic attack at the strange area.

As you felt around a bit with your body and hands, you've realized above you and behind you are metal. Old metal by the scent of rust lingering. Infront of you.. well that was an entirely different feeling. It was something.. warm? Something pressed tightly against your body in this metal coffin. Whatever it was, it moved slightly every couple of seconds, but barely made a sound. If anything, just a slight *snoree..*


[Wait a minute-]

[...it's snoring?!] You thought quietly, coming to realization whatevers in here with you could very likely be an animal.. or a person? With that small thought, you stilled your body completely. The somewhat heavy.. thing still pressed up against your body, like there was no other space here.

[Maybe.. something above me or something will open up-!?] Your breathing shuttered a bit now, cramped and confused, you pressed on the walls around you, avoiding the being. Though, you realize a small light strip is showing from behind whatever is basically using your body to support it. You quickly and gently reached by whatever is infront of you, your hand grazing what felt like.. soft hair? And you tried to pull and push on the metal part with the lines of light.

Out of nowhere, whatever is infront of you woke up with a small jump, and opened the opening for you.. by falling forwards onto the floor.

Taking absolutely no time to pay attention or look at the person or thing on the ground, you spring out of the metal cage, over the person, and a bit infront of it.

[Oh my fucking godd..] you crouch a bit down, putting your hands in your knees, trying to catch your stolen breath from the cramped area.

"Umm, excuse me-?"

A kind voice said softly seemingly near you, you perked your head up in confusion, and heard whatever was behind you groan a bit.

"Oh my- are you okay-?!" A hint of confusion and worry was melted into the seemingly sweet blondes voice, she glided next to you, and behind you. You stand up, and turn around...


You look down to the ground, and notice a somewhat shriveled blue haired boy, the blonde looking him over possibly, and asking if he's okay, yet again.

"Um.. who are you people-?" You asked in a confused tone, causing the blonde to turn to you and the bluenette shakily try to get off of the gross looking floor.

"Ah- sorry about that- I'm Kaede Akamatsu! The ultimate pianist! And you must be..?" She looked back at you, you felt a jolt of confusion run through you at the name.. and ultimate? But your brain somehow put together one thing to say back.

"Ah-.. I'm y/n l/n, the Ultimate (talent here)" you sigh, glancing over at the blue haired boy, who seemed to be hiding his face underneath of his black cap.

"Oh um-! I-im shuichi sai-saihara.. the ultimate detective if you'd even call it that.." his tone was laced with seemingly a sad sound, and embarrassment. "Oh, like the true crime kind? Cool-!" You say back to him in an attempt to make him seem less sad, something about him raised alarms throughout your nerves and brain, but you ignored it. The boy seemed to skittish to be a threat.. "u-uhm.. k-kinda yeah.." he still hid his face underneath his hat.

While Kaede seemed to talk to the Saihara, you observe the room finally. Cracked walls.. and windows. You noticed aswell that the area seemed so abandoned.. yet somehow beautiful in its wrecked state. After admiring the room, you slip out through a door you find, and into a grass filled hallway.

(1241 words)

A/n: Once again if yall want a cannon story line I cannot do that bc it has been ages since i played drv3-
Alsoooo if anyone caught it I added a small hint abt rantaro in here hehe

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