The Clues and Nicki's House

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Sherlock's POV

It's obvious to all the men in the city that Nicki is attractive, but I never saw her as distracting 'till today. How her hair fell over her shoulders, made me melt to my feet. But this was a job, I needed to focus. Because that anaconda won't go home unless I got clues, hon. She showed me her staff (to see potential suspects).

"Do any of you take some sort of delusional medicine?" I ask, to make sure they weren't suspected for accidentally losing an anaconda.

A small hispanic girl stepped forward, looking at her shoes...then she stared at me with a solemn look.

"I take a medicine called Pills and Potions, but it's prescribed by Dr. SnoopDog." said the little hispanic maid.

Well this was getting me no where, like how could a little hispanic woman hold an anaconda? Let alone put it out in the wild. Tap, tap, tap. I turn around to find Lisa. I bend down to look into her eyes:

"What is it Lisa?" I ask

"I found a note, it might tell you where the anaconda is." she said, handing me the note:

Dear Nicki,

I took your anaconda because it made too many parodies and it was annoying my computer. And trust me, my computer don't want none, it don't want none, it don't want no parodies, hon. Sorry, but I had to do it. Also, Uptown Funk is awesome. And you are one hot damn.

Sorry, );

"Lisa, where did you find this?" I asked, obviously surprised.

"In the cabinet next to the anaconda's bed, duh." she said

Lisa's POV

Sherlock stood there for a few seconds, staring at the paper...did I figure out a mystery?

"I think, I think. We should go check Bruno Mars's house." said Sherlock


Knock! Knock! Knock! The door opened showing a light black man, wearing a pink suit.

"Oh, the police and firemen finally showed up." he said sarcastically

"Yep, and we're here for an anaconda that's worth all your white gold." said Sherlock impatiently

"Hot damn, bitch say my name you know who I am?!" said Bruno, angrily

"Well Nicki called the police and the firemen, so obviously...hallelujah!" said Sherlock, still being sarcastic

"What exactly are you convicting me of? Being freaky and owning it?" asked Bruno

"No, for stealing Nicki's anaconda. Because she so pretty she kissed herself, and so hot she flaunted it. No give her back the snake." said Sherlock

"Look, I didn't steal her a snake, besides, how can I? I'm 5' 5" and I'm too short for pretty much everything, so sorry to funk up your mystery, but I didn't do it." said Bruno, slamming the door in Sherlock's face.

"Well he's in a mood." I said

"Hold on, let me go get some sense in him." said Nicki

"And how do you plan on doing that?" asks Sherlock

Then without talking, Nicki took off her clothes, showing off a pink bikini. Then she went up to Bruno's door and ringed the doorbell till he opened it.
"Why hello Nicki, you little hood girl." said Bruno, winking
"Oh babe, if you give me back my anaconda, I'll uptown funk you up." said Nicki, also winking
"I don't have it, but damn you are sexy and flaunting it today." said Bruno
"I know you have it, and if you don't beleive me, just watch." said Nicki, walking away.
Nicki then went up to Sherlock and french kissed him...
Sherlock's POV
I never realized I had feelings for Nicki till that very moment. Sure she was hot and I'd constantly stared at her, but I was a detective, I couldn't love anyone. But her kiss was so warm and blissful, I realized no matter my occupation, I could still love someone...but what would Bruno do?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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