Lost Boy- Endless roads to nowhere

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Benjamin was driving for what felt like forever, even though it had only been a night. Resting at a gas station, drinking a bud light, he was able to think of where he was going. He knew he couldn't go to the studio, he didn't want to face the team or give them any problems. And me being there would put them at risk of Nelson or Gary finding them. So that was out of the question. He tried thinking of any place that would be safe for him and keep him hidden but...nothing came to mind. 

Around LA would be too dangerous to hide or go for help, he was on his own, but that wasn't anything new. He bought some snacks for the trip and packed drinks in a small stainless steel cooler. 

He looked through his wallet and was starting to lose hope when he discovered he had only $15 in cash and a few expired coupons. This was impossible! He kept telling himself, but a small sliver of him still held onto the hope that maybe, just maybe he could make it to safety.

Exiting LA was not that easy, he definitely had people following him, but with limited money for gas and food, he just let them. He was heading north, which was the dumb thing to do, but it would get Nelson's workers off his tail. He headed for Northern California, he didn't know where he was going to go, but his instinct was taking over. 

Surprisingly the further he traveled on the empty back roads heading north, the more of Nelson's workers he encountered. It was frustrating, to say the least, tailgated and shot at was not the trip he was hoping for!

It had been only a few hours ago that Ben was in LA, now Fresno was just a few miles away, no more of the phantoms appeared on the way. Once he got there, he noticed he was running dangerously low on fuel. 

He knew he couldn't take his car anymore, it's too noticable and too expensive. He was gonna have to walk, but to where? 

While taking stuff out of his car, he found a small vial of Life's blood. He pocketed it and started to walk along the side of the road, under the blazing LA sun. 

Minutes felt like hours and with no protection from the sun, it was rough. He was starting to run out of water, and becoming nauseous before starting to pass out, his vision blur. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and took the serum out of his pocket, he needed to drink something an one vial couldn't be that bad right? He didn't even drink more than a few drops before he started to get dizzy, his head felt fuzzy and it all went dark.

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