'Caretaker' Prolouge

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Deb stood in the breakroom of Syntec location 6, a pot of boiling soup in front of her. She was cutting up some vegetables to put in the pot, mostly peppers and carrots. Being the only caretaker for the runaways was hard, especially with Nelson still looking for her. 

All of the runaways were from location 1 and 3, in total 23, and most had fallen ill. She put the vegetables in the pot and stirred it, she kept hearing quiet groans from upstairs. Finally she had put the soup in a few bowls and taken them up, trying desperately not to drop them. 

The first room she entered contained a small, old, frail woman, named Whitney Myers. The woman was on the white hospital bed, turned away from the door. The room wasn't too big, but held a bed, a stand and table, and had a cracked window next to the bed. Deb gently placed the bowl on the stand next to the bed of the sleeping woman, slowly and quietly she exited the room.

She continued down the hall handing out the soup to the patients along the way. Being so late at night, most of them were sleeping. All but one, and Deb was not ready to face him yet. 

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