WOW pt.6 (I)

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Once upon a time, there was a girl. The girl is going to a new school that her cousin was going to. She was so excited, yet she was so sleepy waking so early.

The sun wasn't even up yet, but the television is on and her face on the plate of food. She was awoken and was forced to have food on her stomach getting ready for the first day of school.

The not yet six (6) years old was waiting for her ride to school. It was a caring old man that also was the one who picked her cousin from home to school and school to home.

They arraived at school that has so many people arriving, new students some not willing to let go of their mothers hand, wailing. The girl wasn't one of them, thankfully.

Her classroom was the floor above the first (1st) rolling her pink barbie rolly bag she went to the classroom and saw so many chairs that had arm chairs. She sat on the edge where the teachers table is located.

The teacher is a nice woman that looks young if you don't know how long she has been teaching students for. The girl through out the whole grade was messy. But even if she was messy, another girl introduced herself to the new girl.

It turns out the girl that introduced herself was an old students and was familiar with some other people, they imideitly became friends. The girl made her first friend.

~to be continued~

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